That Butler, Very Skilled 3

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{In One Of The Many Hallways Throughout The Manor...}

Chêne sighed in relief. Lizzie had finally released her, but not before she had managed to equip Chêne with a matching tail and force her into a super-frilly pastel-pink 'Little-Bo-Peep' style dress that made her look even younger. At least the dress didn't come with a matching shepherd's hook, bonnet, and sheep. Chêne looked like a porcelain doll... except she had cat ears and a tail...

'Guess I'll go see what Ciel and Sebastian are up to,' Chêne decided.


"Are you ready, Sir? The first step is from the heel," Sebastian said, beginning the dance lesson. "Please hold the lady's back firmly."

Sebastian placed Ciel's hand on the small of his back. Ciel quickly moved his hand higher and away from Sebastian's hip... he already felt awkward enough doing this. Once they were in position, Sebastian continued his instructions.

"When the music plays, begin with your left foot..." Ciel clumsily stepped on Sebastian's foot. "Next is the natural turn," Sebastian said, choosing to ignore Ciel's blunder in hopes that it was a fluke.

The pair wobbled as Ciel blundered through the steps as best he could with the huge height difference and his own inexperience. They almost managed to spin, but Ciel went one way, and Sebastian went the other.

"Slide your foot forward," Sebastian said, just wanting to get it over with as soon as possible.

Ciel's foot slid forward alright, right into Sebastian's shin. Sebastian stopped and stared down at Ciel.


Ciel was staring back at the butler looking incredibly awkward, nervous, and embarrassed... basically his expression was what Chêne had once referred to as his 'awkward turtle' face. That ousted Sebastian's theory that Ciel might have been purposefully sabotaging the dance. Sebastian sighed.

"It seems you talent for dancing is non-existent. How very catastrophic. You must be crushed, Young Master," Sebastian said, leaning down slightly and giving Ciel a look of pure pity that only served to infuriate the boy... although, that was probably Sebastian's intention. "You must not hang from 'the lady' so."

"You're too tall!" Ciel shouted, vein mark throbbing and leaning back in an attempt get away from Sebastian. "Ladies don't come in such monstrous heights!"

The Study's door creaked open, and both of them looked to see Chêne standing in the doorway. Her eyes were widened slightly at the sight of the two of them holding each other. Without meaning to, when Sebastian leaned down, and Ciel leaned back, they were now in a position that made it look like Sebastian and Ciel were about to kiss.

"Oh, excuse me! I didn't mean to interrupt you two lovebirds. I'll just come back later..." Chêne deadpanned, turning back around. The earl and butler gaped at her. Well, Ciel did. Sebastian managed to keep a straight face.

"W-Wait a minute! Just what kind of strange misunderstanding are you having here!?" Ciel yelled indignantly, immediately separating himself from Sebastian. "Sebastian was just teaching me how to dance!" The poor boy was flushed beet red and mortified. Chêne grinned like the Cheshire cat.

"Yeah, I know. I heard the tail end of your conversation. I was just messing with you," Chêne said brightly. Ciel face-palmed. Chêne noticed Sebastian was staring at her rather intensely. "... What?" Chêne asked him, feeling a little wary. Sebastian shook his head.

"Oh, nothing of consequence," Sebastian replied. Chêne raised an eyebrow at the butler as if to say, "You really think I'm going buy that?" Sebastian raised both eyebrows at her and gave Chêne a clearly exaggerated look of sympathy. "Chêne, you know that ensemble makes you look even younger, right? Although, I must admit, those ears are quite lovely. Perhaps you should consider making that part of  your new look permanent?" Sebastian teased her, smirking. His eyes were glowing subtly.

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