That Butler, Reflective 3

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∞—Madam Red's Cinematic Record—∞

"... N..." they heard a young woman's voice call out something muffled. "An! Angeliiina!" The voice was clearer now. A young Madam Red, who didn't look much older than Ciel's current age came into view. The cute, redheaded, and freckle-faced girl looked up from the book she had been reading, and turned to face the speaker. She was sitting in a gazebo.

"Sister," Angelina said as a beautiful young, blonde, blue-eyed woman walked up to her.


Chêne's eyes widened in shock. She recognized the blonde woman from the portraits in the manor... This was Rachel Phantomhive, Ciel's mother!


Rachel smiled at her younger sister.

"In here again, I see. Father is calling for you," Rachel told her as she took Angelina's hand. "He has a guest he wishes to introduce us to. We mustn't keep him waiting." She started to lead her younger sister back inside.

"Eh!? But I'm dressed like this..." Angelina said nervously. Rachel was wearing a very pretty day dress, but Angelina was only wearing a rather simple one. "And I haven't powdered my nose!!" she said anxiously, unlike her sister Rachel, Angelina had freckles that she wanted to hide. Rachel turned around and glanced at her cute little sister.


"S—! Sister?" Angelina said, surprised when Rachel suddenly starting brushing the dust off of her, straitening her dress, and combing through her read hair with her fingers. There was a determined gleam in Rachel's eyes as she fixed her sister up really quick.

"There, all done!" Rachel said as she took the flower she was wearing in her blonde hair, and tucked it into Angelina's, satisfied with her handiwork. "You look positively charming. You'll be fine!" she said, smiling and winking playfully at Angelina. "Were you reading again?" she asked curiously as they walked back to their house.

"Yes. I want to study to become a doctor. I want to find a cure for your asthma, sister. I'm unattractive, and I feel out of place at balls, so I may not be able to marry..." Angelina said timidly.

"What are you saying!?" Rachel asked, appalled. "An is lovely and smart. You should have more confidence in yourself," Rachel said proudly, smiling affectionately at her cute little sister. "And let's not forget... You're awfully well-endoooowed~! I'm so envious! Wee! Hee! Hee! Like ripe peaches they are!" she said, grinning mischievously as she groped Angelina's chest. She did have a rather large bosom, especially for such a young girl...

"Gyah! Sister!?" Angelina yelled, flinching and turning blue with shock as her normally well-mannered sister grabbed her boobs. The two sisters started laughing at Rachel's silly behavior.

[My elder sister's health was fragile, but she was kind and beautiful, and did not put on airs, and I loved her. I loved and envied her soft flaxen hair, which was just like our mother's. I met 'Him' when I was fifteen.]

"Rachel, Angelina. Give you greetings to Earl Phantomhive," their father said when they entered the room that he and their guest had been waiting in. Rachel stared at their guest, surprised. He was a handsome young man. He looked about her elder sister's age, and he had beautiful slate, grey-ish blue, colored hair.

"How do you do?" he greeted them, smiling handsomely. Angelina blushed lightly.

[I despised my red hair, which was just like my father's. And I loathed the color red.]

"Why do you keep your hair so long in front?" Earl Phantomhive asked Angelina curiously when he came by for another visit.

"I am no beauty like my elder sister, so..." Angelina said shyly. "And my hair is this red as well..."

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