That Butler, Busy

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A butler begins his day early. He is the last to finish his work late at night, and the first to begin work in the morning. Such is the duty of a butler who manages the household.

"Hmm, my hair has grown rather long..." Sebastian observed when he looked at his reflection while getting dressed for the day. "... What a pity... I cannot trim it as I please." Chêne had warned him early on that humans would notice if his hair never grew. After being away from the human world for so long, Sebastian had forgotten a few trivial things like that. Sebastian tucked part of his hair behind his ear. "Humans are most troublesome," Sebastian said, pulling on his swallowtail coat and gloves. "Now then, off we go," Sebastian said, making his way to the kitchen. 'My first task is to assign the day's work to the servants. Chêne is not included this time because it is her day off...' Sebastian thought as he opened the kitchen door, revealing Tanaka and the three stooges. They were all waiting for him patiently. Normally Chêne would have cooked breakfast for them and fed them all by now, but it was her day off, and charcoal was not a recommended part of any healthy diet, so asking Bard to cook anything that required heat was out of the question. On Chêne's days off, the servants had decided it was safer to fast than risk their stomachaches.

"Good morning, everyone. It is about time you should all be getting to work. Mei-Rin, see to the linens," Sebastian said.

"Yes, sir!" Mei-Rin said, saluting him like a good little soldier.

"Finni, tend to the trees in the garden," Sebastian said.

"Kaaaay!" Finni said happily.

"Bard, please make preparations for lunch," Sebastian ordered.

"Gotcha," Bard said drowsily, still not fully awake without his morning coffee.

"And Mister Tanaka, you are doing just fine," Sebastian said.

"Hoh, hoh, hoh," Tanaka said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Provided you have understood your duties, off you go!" Sebastian said, clapping his hands to signal it was time to start working. "Step lively!"

The three stooges shot off to work, like racehorses shooting out of the gate after hearing the starting gun at the racetrack. Once the other servants were dispatched, Sebastian began preparing the early morning tea and breakfast so that it would be ready in time for the young master's awakening. Chêne walked into the kitchen, wearing a purple plaid day dress with black trim and a little black hat with a matching ribbon. It was simple and modest, but still rather attractive.

"Going somewhere?" Sebastian asked. Chêne hardly ever woke up this early on her day off, and she only wore something other than her uniform when she went to town. Chêne nodded.

"Yeah, I'm off to town. I saw a book that might you know... help me when I was there on an errand yesterday, but I didn't have time to stop." Chêne replied while she sliced herself a piece of bread from the loaf she had baked the other day. Sebastian paused in his work for a moment.

"You are still trying to find a way back to your old world?" Sebastian asked evenly, barely managing to hide the ire he was feeling. He disliked the thought of his favorite toy—coworker— leaving with great intensity. "What happens if you succeed? You will at least say goodbye to the young master, will you not?" Chêne looked away guiltily.

She didn't want to leave any of them—Phantomhive manor had become her second home and family, but she had to find some way to let her real family know she was okay. She had been searching off and on ever since she first arrived in their world. Ciel had said he understood how she felt, but Chêne still didn't want to leave him alone. He would have Sebastian, but it wouldn't be the same. Sebastian knew this and used it to send her on a guilt trip every time she mentioned the possibility of her leaving. Sebastian and Chêne always ended up arguing, and though it might seem like a better idea not to mention it to Sebastian altogether, not telling him and having him find out after the fact was... much scarier.

"I'm not really trying to go back anymore," Chêne said. "I just want to—"

"If you are not going back, there is no point in looking," Sebastian said coolly. He didn't believe that she would not give into temptation and go back to her own world if there was a way. Chêne had a strong character for most humans, but she was still only human. They gave in all too easily when tempted. He would know, being a demon.

"Why can't you just trust me? I just want to find a way to send them a message! They deserve to know I'm alright," Chêne said determinedly, starting to get a little angry.

"You said that you would stay for the young master, because you care for him as though he were your younger sibling, but you already have a younger sister at home, do you not? It would only make sense for you to want to return to her. There is nothing here for you that you did not already have before," Sebastian stated icily. Chêne stared at him.

"Are you trying to get me to leave? Why do you keep insisting I will?" Chêne asked, feeling a little hurt. 'There is one thing in this world that's irreplaceable in my old one, and that's you, Sebastian,' Chêne thought, but she couldn't tell him that. It would give him too much power over her. Sebastian ignored her as he continued preparing Ciel's breakfast. "Well, fine, then!" Chêne yelled, having had enough of being on the receiving end of Sebastian's cold shoulder. She ran out the room, slamming the door as she went.

Sebastian sighed. Sebastian knew that the longer they talked about it, the crueler he would get, so he had restrained himself from commenting any further on the matter. However, Chêne never seemed to deal well with long silences...


"Pardon me, Sir," Sebastian said, knocking on the door of Ciel's bedroom. "Good morning, Young Master. It is time for you to wake up now," Sebastian said as he wheeled in the serving cart. Sebastian opened the curtains, letting the sunlight stream into his room. "It is a fine day today." Ciel groaned and rolled over onto his back, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"..." Ciel's brow furrowed deeper when he noticed Chêne wasn't there that day. He had forgotten she had a day off coming up. Ciel still had two band-aids on his face from when Vanel roughed him up the other day, but thanks to Chêne's nursing skills, Ciel was mostly healed. Ciel sat up and yawned as Sebastian poured the tea. "Today's tea is the Assam, hm?"

"Just as I would expect from the Young Master. I had heard that good tea leaves were ready in Assam, so I had some sent here," Sebastian said.

"By the way, I've invited the children of Earl Burton's orphanage to the manor," Ciel said as he read the newspaper and sipped his tea. A noble's wealth exists to contribute to society. They practice charity using their abundant fortunes. The distinguished Phantomhive family also engages in volunteer activities, without exception.

"That is a splendid idea. When will they be joining us?" Sebastian asked.

"Tomorrow," Ciel said.

'Tomorrow?' Sebastian thought, slightly stunned.

"To make parents buy something, you must start with the children," Ciel said.

'Why, this little bra—Young Master. Does he believe he can get anything done so long as I am here to take care of it? He works his people (?) far too hard,' Sebastian thought grudgingly. "Very well, Sir," Sebastian said, sporting his shit-eating grin. "I shall entertain even the littlest guests in a manner worthy of the Phantomhive name," Sebastian said, bowing.

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