That Butler Confabulating

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The fire in the giant goblet burned strongly.

"Tomorrow will surely be a day of fierce battles," Agares said. "So please enjoy this evening's opening festivities to your hearts' content." Everyone clapped, while Agares left the podium, but then he tripped on one of the steps exiting the stage, tumbled so that he landed on his head twice, and slid face down across the floor.

"V-Vice headmaster!!?" the master of Green House exclaimed with concern while the dining hall buzzed with people whispering.

"Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me," Agares said as blood spurted out from under his hat. He was quickly helped to his feet, and he left to wipe away the blood, claiming he was all right.

The party ensued, with most of the houses sticking together.

"If you don't fill your bellies, you won't be able to keep up the fight through to the final! So eat up! And then eat some more!!" Herman ordered his team fiercely while holding a half-eaten turkey leg.

"Yef, fer!!" the team responded with full mouths, also holding half-eaten pieces of food. Just next to them the Red House team was exuding a sparkling aura. They were surrounded by women, young and old. The Purple House team had formed a creepy sculpture of turkey legs, lobsters, and a skull and were eating while gathered around it with their faces cast in shadow from their hoods. The eerie gloom they cast about them shocked some of the nearby guests.

"Hmph... What a very relaxed bunch," Lawrence remarked, pushing his glasses up. "Blue House will hold a meeting to perfect our strategy! We cannot afford to waste even a minute."

"Understood!" his teammates responded.

"Don't be such a bore," a feminine voice said as a hand landed softly on Lawrence's shoulder. "Let your hair down a little at tonight's party, why don't you?"

"B-Big Sister!?" Lawrence exclaimed as his seven sisters descended upon him like locusts. The sister with her hand on his shoulder poked him in the cheek as he turned his head to look at her. She had asymmetrical bangs and a teasing smile. Another older sister was smiling kindly and had her long hair parted to the side and pulled up. His third big sister also wore a teasing expression.

"Let it down! Let your hair dowwwn!" two identical twin sisters, who appeared to be the youngest said, hugging their big brother. His other two younger sisters stood on the edge of the group. One was smiling and had her hair braided up with flowers. The other was a little plainer than the rest of her pretty sisters and had her hair twisted up with a bow.

"Look at you acting all high and mighty when you're the exact opposite at home!" his third older sister said.

"The little boy who would always play house with me has grown up to be a prefect. How perfectly novel!" the sister with the kind(?) smile said.

"Big Sister!!" Lawerence exclaimed, becoming agitated. "Please stop with the unnecessary commentary, and go over there, would you!?"

"Ah, how do you do, everyone? Thank you for treating our little brother kindly," the sister with the kind smile said to Ciel and the others, who stood there dazed by the unexpected scene that was unfolding before them. They had never seen Lawrence like this before.

"Now just a minute, Lawrie! 'Unnecessary'!? How dare you!?" his older sister with the asymmetrical bangs snapped angrily.

"Heyyy! Heyyy! Big Brother, where's Lord Edgar!?" his little sister with her hair braided up with flowers asked excitedly, blushing.

'This is just like Violet's painting,' Ciel thought, sweat-dropping as he watched a flustered Lawrence struggle against his sisters. 'Be that as it may, this situation is quite mad.'

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