That Butler, Competitive

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Sebastian and Agni stared each other down for a moment, analyzing their opponents. Sebastian really looked like he was taking this seriously. After hearing Chêne say that he 'wouldn't be bored' Sebastian felt that perhaps he shouldn't underestimate the Indian butler. He had been a rather formidable opponent the other day, too.

"Well... pray, do go easy on me," Sebastian said, smirking slightly, as he raised his hand, and bent his knees ever so slightly, preparing himself to begin their little duel.

"Here I come!!" Agni warned as he gripped his sword and charged. "Hah!" he yelled as he thrust his sword forward at Sebastian. Sebastian furrowed his brow slightly as he quickly sidestepped Agni's swift attack, and countered with a thrust of his own. Chêne watched, on the edge of her seat, as the two butlers faced each other—the very tip of Sebastian's foil was just a breath away from touching its target. Agni's eyes widened in surprise, but in that split-second, Agni managed to duck. He dropped to the floor, balancing himself with his left hand, as he bent his right knee and kneeled on his left one. Chêne really wished she had some popcorn. This was intense. She watched them, unblinking, knowing that if she did, she would miss their lightning-quick moves. From his position on the floor, Agni thrust his sword forth, but Sebastian gracefully spun around, and Agni's sword passed right over the demon butler's shoulder, just past his chin. If the sword had been real, and sharpened, it would have cut one of Sebastian's bangs when it brushed against it. Agni was indeed a very skilled opponent. Sebastian narrowed his eyes slightly. The demon butler immediately spun around again, and thrust his sword right at Agni's forehead, almost as if he was targeting the Indian man's bindi.


Agni's eyes widened slightly in shock, but he quickly recovered, and swung his sword sideways, knocking Sebastian's blow off course. Chêne noticed, that despite his calm demeanor, Sebastian's pupil constricted slightly, making them slitted. Sebastian was finally getting serious. The two butlers eyed their opponent for a brief second, and in that second, it almost felt as though time were standing still. They charged towards each other simultaneously, and thrust their swords forward. Agni and Sebastian's eyes widened slightly in surprise, and they furrowed their brows slightly in concentration as they both arched their backs, and they followed through with their attacks, extending their arms fully as they tilted their heads back, just barely dodging each other's attacks. Both butlers quickly recovered and instantly attacked again, going in for the kill with two powerful attacks.


The two blades met, touching each other, tip to tip. The two butlers furrowed their brows as they continued to push forward, determined not to back down. The others watched in amazement as the two foils began to bend, and both of them bowed in the middle. The two swords combined were starting to form an 'M', but the butlers continued to press on, until—


The two blades snapped in half, unable to handle the stress being exerted on them any longer. The top halves of the two blades flew up into the air, spinning from their momentum. Their small audience stood there, stunned by what they had just seen.


Sebastian reached up and effortlessly caught the airborne half of his now broken blade as Agni's fell to the ground with a clang.

"Oh dear," Sebastian said, smiling wryly, as he sighed. "The blade is broken."

"!!" Ciel, Soma, and Lau said, gasping in shock and surprise.

'Thank you, Captain Obvious...' Chêne thought, sweat-dropping as she too smiled wryly. That much was something that anyone who had half a brain could tell, just from looking... but then again... Chêne glanced at Ciel and the others. Both Lau and Ciel at least knew how difficult it would be to break such flexible blades, so she could understand their shock.

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