That Butler, Most Evil

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"Phantomhive's bouncer is on his way!" Vanel shouted furiously. "Hold the gates. Don't let a single mouse in!" The men scrambled to get their weapons ready. "This is an emergency! Don't stand around twiddling your thumbs! Stop him no matter what!"


Sebastian calmly walked toward the Mafioso's H.Q.


"Don't let that bastard set one foot in here!" A few men yelled zealously as they ran outside to secure the perimeter. They didn't even notice Sebastian was already walking up the stairs as they ran past him.

"Quickly!" Henchman A yelled.

"Pick up the pace!" Henchman B shouted.

"I say! What a splendid manor!" Sebastian said, deciding to stop and mess with them since he felt that getting in had been far too easy.

"Wha...!?" they yelled as all fifteen henchmen turned to see Sebastian standing there ever so innocently.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Henchman B demanded.

"—The hell'd you get in 'ere!?" Henchman A yelled.

"Hmm... You seem to be rather busy," Sebastian said innocently. "Might you be expecting someone—"

"What business does a butler have here!? Which family are you from!?" Henchman B demanded as they circled Sebastian and pointed their guns at him.

"Me?" Sebastian asked in feigned surprise. "Aah, forgive me for not introducing myself. I... work for the Phantomhive family," the demon butler said, smirking sinisterly.


{The Phantomhive Manor Downstairs: The Kitchen}

"Haah... Wherever did Mister Sebastian get to?" Mei-Rin wondered out loud.

"Yeeeah..." Finni sighed.

"He said he had an errand to run," Chêne replied, acting bored so that the others wouldn't worry.

"I don't care where he is or what he's doin'... but... there is one problem!" Bard said seriously.

'Could he have figured it out...?' Chêne wondered.

"This pie!" Bard said grandly, motioning to the pie Sebastian had passed to him that was now sitting innocently on the kitchen counter. Chêne sweat-dropped.

'Yeah... that figures,' the head maid thought chagrined.

"Since he said 'take care of it,' does that mean we can eat it! Or can we not!? Which one is it!?" Bard shouted.

"But since he went off and left us with it, maybe it's okay to have a bite?" Finni said dreamily as he drooled at the thought of eating the delicious pie. "Smells yummy."

"I don't see why not," Chêne said. "It's just going to go to waste if we don't."

"You idiots!" Bard yelled. Chêne's brow twitched in irritation at the insult. "You've never had to suffer it before Chêne, but making the wrong choice... means ending up with a special triple-decker ice cream scoop on your head!"

'He punishes you by giving you three lumps on the head so often, that you've named it?' Chêne thought wryly, sweat-dropping.

"Think! What'll he do!? It's as plain as black or white!" Bard said dramatically.


Sebastian paused to check the time on his silver pocket watch as the bloody and beaten henchmen groaned in pain from where they lay on the ground after Sebastian had finished with them.

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