That Butler, Capricious 2

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{Later that evening, at the viscount's party...}

The ballroom was full of elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen, who were enjoying each other's company and chatting politely amongst themselves... blissfully unaware of just how dangerous their host could be.

"This is rather grand, isn't it? I wonder if indeed tonight marks the end of the Season?" Madam Red said, sounding a little regretful. She did so enjoy a good party. Madam Red, true to her name, was wearing a brilliant red ball gown, a matching red hat, and a black beaded choker that had a large, red jewel on it. She was also wearing a black feather boa and had a black lace fan as to complete the look.

"It would appear that this evening will be most delightful," Lau agreed. He was wearing a black tux instead of his usual Chinese garb.

"We're done if we arouse their suspicions. Listen up," Ciel said, crossing his arms. "We did not come here to amuse ourselves. Do not let your guard down!" he warned them seriously. Unfortunately for Ciel, the effect was totally ruined by his disguise... Ciel was in a pigtailed wig that matched his natural hair color, a pink frilly dress with rose accents, a matching hat, and black gloves. He was adorable.

"I understaaaand~! Ohhh, my! You're just the cutest little thing, aren't you!?" Madam Red gushed as she glomped Ciel, much to his chagrin. "The pigtails were an excellent choice, Chêne!" she said, a gleam in her eye.

"They really suit him, don't they?" Chêne said, smiling proudly. Chêne was wearing a wig that matched Ciel's hair color, but she had a more mature hairstyle. She had curled her wig's hair and pulled it back. Loose tendrils of curly hair framed her face. Her dress, like Ciel's was rather frilly, but hers was made for a more mature young lady, and it was a pale blue. In order to hide her freckles, Chêne had decided to borrow some makeup from Madam Red, and thanks to the lipstick, she actually looked her age for once, despite her baby face.

"I must say, you clean up rather nicely, yourself! You should wear makeup more often," Madam Red told her, smiling.

"Thank you, but I just prefer to go natural most of the time. I used to have bad acne breakouts when I was Ciel's age, so I just got used to not wearing any," Chêne said, smiling. "Although... between this dress, the hair, and the red lips, I feel like I'm wearing a Snow White costume..." she said, smiling wryly. "The only thing I'm missing is seven vertically challenged men..."

"Haha, I'd like to see that~!" Lau said, amused.

"Let me go!! Why must I wear something like this—!?" Ciel yelled indignantly as he finally broke free from his aunt's vice-like grip.

"Eh? What's this? You don't like your muslin drenched French dress?" Madam Red asked, pouting. "It's the latest style and everything, you know? Just look at Chêne, she likes her dress."

"It's fun because the skirt is 'swishy'," Chêne said, smiling.

"How could I like this!?" Ciel yelled incredulously. He was a boy for crying out loud! They could've at least let him wear blue. Why did Chêne get a decent color while he was stuck with this pink monstrosity...!?

"Now, now. A lady never raises her voice," Sebastian scolded Ciel as he joined them. Sebastian was wearing glasses again, and he had traded his butler uniform for a nice suit that was the typical fashion worn by an upper class man.

"Sebastian... you bastard..." Ciel muttered darkly, vein mark throbbing on his forehead.

"He's riiiight, you hear? You have to follow the script..." Madam Red huffed. "Lau is my young lover," she said, launching into an explanation of the parts they would be playing.

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