That Butler, Busy 3

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"Haah... all right. We still have the ground meat and vegetables, so let us make do with that," Sebastian said, sighing wearily, his brow furrowed in annoyance. Before Bard could even say 'knife' Sebastian had already chopped up the ingredients. The demon butler then rolled the meat and veggies up into a cabbage leaf. Then, he boiled it and wrapped it in slices of bacon, and decorated it with fancy toothpicks. They weren't usually wrapped in bacon, but that was something Chêne had done when she made them one time, since it gave the small meal extra flavor and protein, and the young master had taken a liking to the combination.

"... Whew!" Sebastian said, wiping his brow, once he had finished preparing lunch. Today's lunch was now stuffed cabbage and mint potato salad. For some reason, he was feeling more tired than usual today.

"Whoa!" Bard said, impressed by Sebastian's speed and quick thinking.

"This should suffice for the time being. I leave the tidying up to you," Sebastian said, taking his leave before anything else could go wrong.

"Yessir!" Bard said, saluting him.


"Unbelievable! Not one shred of my work is getting done!" Sebastian said, aggravated, as he returned to his private kitchen and slammed the door shut. "Let us finish this right away." He opened the bag of brown sugar and began reading the directions again.

Spread the brown sugar on a baking sheet. Heat the oven to 80 C—


The sugar exploded out of the bag and flew all over the place when Finni suddenly slammed into Sebastian out of nowhere.

"Uwaaaaaaahh!" Finni cried as he clung to Sebastian.

"... Now it is your turn, I take it..." Sebastian said, sweat-dropping as Finni clung to him and sobbed something incoherent.

"Uwaaahn! Mister Sebastiaaaan!" Finni wailed. Sebastian sighed wearily. He should've known this was coming... nothing ever went smoothly when these idiots were left to their own devices.

"Are you an infant? I can discern not a word if you persist with your crying. What happened?" Sebastian asked.


{Outside, in the Phantomhive Gardens}

"..." Sebastian said, his mouth hanging open slightly as he stared at the scene of destruction before him, his eyes cast in shadow.

* Whoooosh*

The wind blew through the barren wasteland that had once been a lush and green garden. The flowers were all dead, and the trees had all suddenly lost their foliage. The lawn was withered and dry, like hay.

"I was going to trim the branches... The lawn... but I forgot all about the herbicide sprayer being broken a while back!!" Finni cried, bursting into tears. "Uwaaahn! I'm really sorry!"

'Why this imbec—this imbecile!!' Sebastian thought furiously as Finni continued to cry and beg for forgiveness. 'How can a gardener be so clumsy? Though the saying goes, 'an idiot and a pair of scissors can both be of use,' giving this idiot a pair of scissors is trouble in itself. He refers to something that happened two or three days ago as being 'a while back.' The way his brain can easily cast aside a blunder of that degree... I have surpassed anger, and I am, in fact, rather impressed,' Sebastian thought, smiling wanly. "Haaah... there is nothing even I can do about this. Go and buy some trees at the garden shop..." Sebastian said, getting ready to hand Finni some of his own pocket money to pay for the supplies.

"What sort of trees should I get?" Finni asked timidly. "Chêne usually helps me pick them out and design the garden, since she knows a lot about flowers."

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