That Butler, Encounters 2

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"—So it was impossible for a person who was there?" Ciel asked as the rain continued to pour outside.

"—Yes. It was impossible for a human being," Sebastian said, smirking slightly.

"Now I see... you bastard..." Ciel growled.

"Now, now, Ciel..." Chêne said soothingly, smiling wryly as she sweat-dropped. Why did Sebastian always have to provoke him like that...? Chêne continued to pick up the scattered papers as they spoke.

"Heh. I have spoken the truth many times from the very beginning. Likewise, I have not remotely lied with respect to the results of our inquiry," Sebastian said, smirking deviously. "'Someone well-versed in medical science and anatomy,' 'someone involved with a secret society or cult of black magic,' and 'someone with no alibi on the nights of the murders.' The only human being who fulfills these conditions is the Viscount of Druitt."

"Indeed, you were telling the truth. However..." Ciel said, grabbing one of the scattered papers in his hand. "... The inquiry was but a farce!" Ciel said angrily, ripping the paper in half.

"Hey, I have to clean that up, you know," Chêne told Ciel, sweat-dropping. "And why didn't you say anything if you knew it was just a waste of time?" Chêne asked, frowning in disappointment at Sebastian. "The longer it takes us to catch this creep, the more victims there'll be."

"I was simply following orders," Sebastian told them, smiling.

"Grr..." Ciel growled in frustration, gritting his teeth as a vein mark throbbed on his forehead. Chêne sweat-dropped. This would not end well... Ciel grabbed a pillow and hurled it at Sebastian as hard as he could. Sebastian dodged it with ease, and the pillow sailed right past him, smacking Chêne right in the kisser.

"My, my, are you taking your anger out on me? You should be careful of your aim, people could get hurt," Sebastian said, smirking.

"You guys..." Chêne muttered, a vein mark throbbed on her forehead as the pillow slid down and off of her face, and fell to the floor.

"Young Master, Chêne, I thought you kept me by your side, and stayed by mine... knowing full well what I am like," Sebastian said, grinning, as he knelt down and picked up the pillow, brushing it off.

"... Shut up! I am well aware!" Ciel yelled, seething.

"Just because I'm still with you, doesn't mean you don't still get on my nerves sometimes..." Chêne muttered, sweat-dropping. Sebastian just grinned at them.

"... —" Ciel grumbled, vein mark throbbing on his forehead, as he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Is he... the same as you?" Ciel asked Sebastian.

"Hmm... No, he is not. I daresay someone like him being in the human world is unusual in and of itself, but—" Sebastian said thoughtfully. "He is neither a human... nor a devil?"

"Then what... is he?" Ciel asked.

"Please don't say he's a werewolf, because those things just creep me out... me and dogs just do not mix well," Chêne said, sweat-dropping. Sebastian smirked.

"He is—" Sebastian said.

=End Flashback=

"Gyaaaaaaah!!" they heard a woman scream.

"!!" Ciel and Chêne said, shocked.

"Wha—!?" Ciel shouted, alarmed.

"But no one entered the room—!" Chêne cried.

"Let us go!" Sebastian said as the three of them ran towards Mary Kelly's tenement, with Ciel in the lead.

"Wait, Ciel—!" Chêne yelled, realizing too late what they would probably see once they opened that door. There's no way a person could see that and not be mentally scarred!


Ciel slammed the door open.

"Sebastian, don't let him se—" Chêne yelled.


A stray drop of blood splatter landed on Ciel's cheek. It was still warm. Ciel stood frozen in the doorway, shocked, as he stared at the horrific scene before him... in the dim light of the darkened room, he could see the mutilated remains of Mary Kelly.

"You mustn't look!" Sebastian said, covering Ciel's eyes as he pulled the boy back out of the tenement.

"—Ah..." Ciel said, shaking.

"Ciel...!" Chêne said, concerned as she finally caught up to them. "—!!" She gasped when she caught a glimpse of the crimson stained room, quickly averting her gaze as she fought to suppress her gag reflex, and managed to swallow down the bile that was rising in her throat.

"—Ah... ah," Ciel groaned, trembling. "Ugh!!" Ciel gagged as he vomited, unable to contain his nausea after seeing such a grotesque scene.


It started drizzling. Ciel panted, trying to steady his breathing as Sebastian held him, still covering his eyes with one hand. Chêne removed her handkerchief from her pocket, and wiped Ciel's face and mouth. She gently ran her hand through his hair in a soothing manner to help give him something other than what he had just seen to focus on.

"You have made... quite a mess of things..." Sebastian said, his slight smirk showed a trace of dark humor as he addressed the killer. Having been caught red-handed, the killer had no choice but to reveal himself. He emerged from the darkness of the room and stepped forward into view. "... 'Jack the Ripper'—or should I say...Grell Sutcliff," Sebastian said, smirking as Grell Sutcliff, butler to the Burnett family stared back at them with dull eyes... covered in Mary Kelly's blood.

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