That Butler, Retrospective

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"Sister!! Brother!!!" Madam Red screamed in horror as she watched the manor be come devoured by flames.

[That day... each and every Phantomhive lost their lives at the hands of some unknown individual. The manor was burnt to the ground—
My sister and her husband were discovered in a terrible state.
A child's corpse was never recovered.
—I lost everything that was precious to me. Everything had flown somewhere out of my reach.]

Madam Red watched numbly with dull, emotionless eyes as her loved ones were buried.

[I was sad. So sad—
but even more so did I envy my elder sister... for being able to die with 'Him,' my beloved.
And I continued to live on... as the sole survivor.]

"Doctor!! Should you be back at work so soon?" one of the hospital nurses asked her, concerned.

"I'm all right! Work helps me take my mind off of other things... It's miles better than staying home, doing nothing," Madam Red reassured her, forcing a wry smile. "Besides, I'm due in surgery this afternoon."


" 'Em brats jus' get in th' way. I dunno 'oo th' father is, and I can't raise th' thing on me own. An abortion ain't free neither, but I can't get no coves wi' a chavy round!" the low class woman, who was supposed to be her patient, said carelessly. Madam Red stared at her. It wasn't a 'thing' it was a baby...! Did this woman know what she was throwing away!?

[I hated them.
They had something I could never have, regardless of how much I desired it.]


Madam Red was rinsing her hands off after the surgery.

[What I wanted. What I cherished. I, who had lost it all... and those whores who possessed what I wanted more than anything... but were throwing it away... What had I done to deserve that?]

The mirror hanging on the wall over the sink reflected the dark, deranged look in Madam Red's eyes. She had snapped.

[Why did God make me suffer so? I only... only—]

The prostitute that had come in for surgery bid goodnight to her customer, and started walking down the alleyway that led to her home. Just as she was about to open her door, she heard someone walk up behind her.

"... Oh? Yer the' one from afore..." the prostitute said when she saw who it was. Madam Red pulled out her knife and charged at the woman. "Wh—What d'you think yer doin'... No...Sto..." The woman screamed, terrified as Madam Red attacked her.


There was a crazed look in Madam Red's eyes as her victim's blood splattered onto her face.

[And so I cut them into little pieces, the prostitutes on whom I performed the abortions. I will do away with that which you do not desire, if you so wish... I will take away your womb, your happiness, your life—Everything.]

There were more scenes of Madam Red killing her victims.


Madam Red was in the middle of dismembering her latest victim when someone called out to her. She was covered in blood again...

"Oh... my, myyyyy~! You've done such a glamorous job~!" Madam Red turned to look in the direction the voice was coming from. Her eyes widened in shock. There was the silhouette of a long hair man standing casually on top of one of the church spires. "I've had my eye on you all this time~!"

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