That Butler, Foreign

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"Lord Ciel. It is time for you to wake up," Ciel heard someone say.

"Nn...? Lord... Ciel...?" Ciel said groggily as he stirred in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning~!" Agni told Ciel cheerfully, smiling brightly, as he loomed over the young earl.

"!?" Ciel shouted in shock and surprise, shaking the whole townhouse.

"≤Namaste jii≥... Lord Ciel," Agni said, smiling brightly at Ciel as he pressed his palms together, as though praying. "Breakfast is ready," he said happily.

"Wh—! What are you doing in my room!?" Ciel demanded incredulously as he quickly covered his right eye, hiding his contract mark.


"!?" Chêne said, surprised when she heard Ciel's incredulous yelp echo throughout the house. She paused in tying on her bonnet. Chêne sighed as she removed it and her winter coat. It looked like her personal Christmas shopping was going to be delayed... again.

"My, Chêne. You are up awfully early this morning," Sebastian remarked as he casually entered her room. She sweat-dropped. Sebastian usually woke her up in the morning since she slept through almost anything other than the sound of a human voice or some kind of disaster or fire... Chêne was not a light sleeper.

"I heard one of our guests, Agni, talking out loud to himself as he was wandering around this morning, and it woke me up," Chêne explained, smiling wryly. "So after I helped him, I decided I might as well go do my Christmas shopping since I was supposed to have today off, in order to make up for when I had to cancel my last day off to help you when Bard—"

"Do not even speak of it..." Sebastian said, pinching the bridge of his nose, as he sighed. Just remembering that fiasco gave him a headache.

"Anyway, we should probably check on Ciel. I hope he didn't scream bloody murder just now because someone's trying to kidnap him again..." Chêne said, sighing as she shook her head. She couldn't believe how desensitized she was becoming to situations like this... well it had already happened like 10+ times...



Sebastian knocked calmly on the door before entering the room.

"Pardon me... Young—" Sebastian said, freezing when he saw what was going on.

"Breakfast will get cold if you do not hurry," Agni told Ciel cheerfully, smiling brightly as he scooped the young earl up as though he were a small (well, smaller) child. "Come let us go now~!" he said, smiling, as though he was blissfully unaware of the fact that Ciel was clearly against the idea of going with him, and was currently fighting and struggling to get away with all of his might.

"Now just hang on! What the hell!?" Ciel yelled incredulously, blue with shock, as he struggled to break free. "Just let me down!" he yelled angrily, vein mark throbbing on his forehead.

"What's wrong, Sebastian? Why did you sto—" Chêne froze when she peeked around Sebastian, and saw Ciel struggling. The two Phantomhive servants stood there, stunned. Just what was Agni trying to do...?

"Oh? Things are already lively at this hour~!" Lau said curiously as he too popped his head into the open doorway to have a look as Ciel continued to kick up a fuss over being held by Agni.

"Mister Sebastiaaaaaan!!" the three stooges (aka Finni, Mei-Rin, and Bard) yelled frantically as they dashed towards Chêne and Sebastian at full speed.

"You three, you are in the presence of our guests," Sebastian scolded them, furrowing his brow slightly in disapproval.

"Morniiiing~!" Lau said, smiling, not the least bit bothered by their rambunctiousness. Chêne sweat-dropped.

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