That Butler, In the Fray

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The cold wind blew across the ocean. The sky was reflected in the water like a sea of stars. If only things were so peaceful inside...


{First-class Smoking Lounge...}

The corpse of Margaret Connor staggered forward, snarling and gnashing her bloodied teeth as she slowly stalked toward her next prey.

"What the devil is thi—" Ciel asked, alarmed.

"My knives ought to have pierced its heart..." Sebastian said, standing protectively in front of him. "This is a being I myself do not quite comprehend."

" 'Aurora Society's resurrection of the dead—occult it may not be!' I never for a moment thought what Lau said would turn out to be true!" Ciel said, a bead of nervous sweat sliding down his face.

"Dammit...! A failure, eh!?" Rian said, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Aagh! Ugh!" the walking corpse groaned.

"What are you waiting for!? Kill it quickly," Rian ordered two of his assistants.

"Phoenix!!" they said, striking the phoenix pose. They pulled out their guns and started shooting at her.


One of their bullets hit her in the shoulder, and the other grazed the side of her face, taking the skin and muscles on that side of her mouth with it.

"Ohh..." the corpse moaned and turned around to target them instead.


They shot her in the neck and one of her shins. Still, she came, until she was looming over them.


They were already out of bullets.

"Eep...!" one of the men cried as she tackled him to the ground. She attacked his neck with a sickening crunch, gnawing on his flesh. "GYAAAAAH!" His comrade in arms was too terrified to move.

"Kuh...!" Rian gritted his teeth and backed away. He made a run for it, leaving the others to their fate. "Useless, the lot of you!!"

"!!" Ciel gasped. "Wait..." He moved to chase after him, but Sebastian stopped him. That would have put him too close to that thing. The other gunman found his legs and dashed out the door.

"Uuhhhn..." the corpse groaned, raising its head to look at them. Her current victim was dead.

"!" Ciel furrowed his brow and frowned. "How in the world does one stop that!?"

"Perhaps it will do to dismember it into immobility for the time being?" Sebastian suggested, holding four silverware knives in one hand, preparing to attack.

"You can't kill these guys unless you smash in their heads!"

"!?" Ciel and Sebastian were surprised. Ronald Knox was flying through the air with his lawnmower death scythe aimed straight at the corpse's head.

"Liiiike so!" the Grim Reaper concluded, smashing its blades into her skull.


He mowed her down, literally, until there was nothing left of her head.

"You gotta be efficient, see?" Ronald said.


He rolled his death scythe away from the body as it finished falling.

That Butler, New FaceWhere stories live. Discover now