That Butler, Activated 3

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"... However... have you the courage to gaze upon the scene of the crime?" Lau challenged Ciel. Chêne swallowed the lump that formed in her throat when she thought about what grotesque scene must be awaiting  them. She used to watch CSI: Los Angeles all time before coming to the Victorian era, but there was a huge difference between seeing gore when you knew it was fake, and seeing the real thing.

"... What are you getting at?" Ciel asked, furrowing his brow slightly.

"The darkness and bestial odor that saturates the scene will eat away at those with the same karma," Lau said ominously as he approached Ciel, like a predator stalking towards its prey. "You may be trapped in madness would you set foot there. Are prepared... for that... Earl Phantomhive?" he asked as he caressed the side of Ciel's face with his hand. Sebastian watched the scene out the corner of his eye. He hadn't missed the disturbed recognition that had flashed briefly in Chêne's eyes when she heard the killer's nickname. This could prove to be interesting.

"I am here to eliminate the source of 'Her' distress. Do not waste my time with your worthless questions," Ciel said coldly as he gave Lau a steely glare.

"—Yes, lovely. Very lovely indeed, those eyes of yours," Lau said darkly, smirking as he took Ciel's hand. "Well, since that's now been decided, let's be off, Lord Earl~!!" Lau said cheerfully, suddenly doing a complete emotional 180°, and started pulling Ciel out the room. Chêne sweat-dropped. Sometimes she wondered if Lau was bipolar.

"Now wait!!" Madam Red  shouted indignantly, vein mark throbbing on her forehead, before Ciel even had a chance to protest being manhandled by Lau. "Really! Men have no patience! Right, Chêne?" Chêne smiled wryly and sweat-dropped again. Why was Madam Red dragging her into this?

"Why don't you finish your tea and elevenses first, then we can all go together..." Chêne suggested. They all stared at her. As if they could enjoy eating with the prospect of seeing a bloody corpse in the near future...! Ciel sweat-dropped, but Sebastian found it interesting that Chêne could still  think about eating, despite how pale she had just been when Lau mentioned how graphic the crime scene was. She bounced back much quicker than most 'ladies' seemed capable of.

"So, where is this crime scene, Lau?" Madam Red asked, sweat-dropping.

"Did you not know... Madam?" Lau asked, smiling knowingly at her, as Ciel sweat-dropped. Lau was still holding his hand. "Well, I never! Then I suppose we'll have to ask someone around here," Lau said, sighing in disappointment.

"You were babbling on when you didn't even know yourself!?" Madam Red shouted incredulously, vein mark throbbing on her forehead.

'What was that long prologue for, then...?' Ciel and Chêne thought, sweat-dropping.

"Quiet down," Ciel said, sighing in annoyance over Madam Red's ranting. "No one said we were going to the crime scene."

"Eh?" Madame red and Lau said, surprised.

"Why not?" Chêne asked, confused. "Isn't that the best place to look for clues?"

"We wouldn't be able to do much anyway because the place is already full of spectators, and the Yard won't take kindly to me going there either," Ciel explained.

"Oh, right... it's summer too, so they probably had to move the body clean up the crime scene already, before it started to rot, anyway..." Chêne said thoughtfully. They didn't have the technology to be able to analyze DNA yet either, so they didn't have a lot to go on. Madam Red paled slightly and Ciel sweat-dropped. Chêne had just said that in the same tone of voice as someone would say 'I wonder if I should get the chocolate ice cream or the vanilla...' Sebastian looked like he was trying not to smirk too much.

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