That Butler, A Colleague 2

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{Back in the training tent...}

"Well... Now here's what ye've been  waiting forrr~! Time to announce room assignments for the rookies~!"  Joker announced happily once he had returned from performing.

"Yes..."  Ciel groaned in relief, utterly exhausted after being put through the  wringer by Dagger during his training. He was still trying to catch his  breath. Dagger smiled wryly as he, Sebastian, and Chêne glanced at the  boy, sweat dropping. Why did the air around Ciel feel so oppressive and  thick with suffering? Chêne decided that she really needed to start making Ciel exercise more... This was just pathetic.

"What's wrong there, smile? You look down~!" Joker teased, smiling brightly. "Smile, smile~!"

"Y-Yes..." Ciel mumbled, sweat dropping. 'The training is more exhausting than I'd thought...!!'  The he sighed internally, chagrined. Sebastian was one thing, but... how  could Chêne still be perfectly fine after everything they'd been doing!? She might not be completely human anymore, but she was only slightly stronger than the average human, so she should be exhausted too, right? ...Why was it just him?

"The  results of the impartial lottery are as follows––Smile will be in tent  eight," Joker announced. "This is your roommate," he told Ciel,  gesturing to a teenager who looked to be in between Chêne and Ciel's  ages. This teen was also rather attractive, for a boy, and he had  chestnut brown hair, blue eyes, and lots of freckles... strangely enough,  this kid looked like he could have been Ciel and Chêne's secret love  child in another life... Weird.

Ciel's new roommate gave him a friendly smile.

'I'm  suddenly sharing a room with a stranger... This will make things  difficult," Ciel thought as he nodded his head at the other boy in  greeting, feeling a little apprehensive about these new arrangements.

"And... Black and Cat will be in tent nine," Joker added.

"!!? Seba––Neither Black, nor Cat, and I will be in the same tent!?"  Ciel shouted incredulously, shocked. Chêne sweat dropped. Was it really  that big of deal? It's not like they wouldn't be able to se each other  again... Ciel could just come to their tent when they needed to talk... She  noticed Sebastian was sporting a brilliant shit-eating grin. He looked  rather pleased to know they were getting their own tent.

"Hn? That's right... so?" Joker said, also not seeing what the problem was.

"Ah-ha-ha-ha!  Smile sure is sweet on those two," Dagger laughed. Ciel reminded him of  a kid being separate from mommy and daddy for the first time. How cute.

"Th-That isn't what I mean––" Ciel tried to correct him, blushing, as he sweated nervously.

"Ye gotta learn to be more independent!" Dagger teased him.

'This isn't good. If I'm separated from Sebastian, I won't be able to move about––' Ciel thought anxiously."I really do think I should be with––"

"And they're roommate is––Suit!" Joker announced suddenly, as though he had almost forgotten.


You could practically hear Sebastian and Will's inner worlds shattering after receiving such disturbing news.

"Wha––!?"  Ciel and Chêne shouted incredulously as they flinched in shock. Why did  they have to put those two together in a confined space––Were they trying to start WWIII!?

"Black,  Cat, 'n' Smile are already friends. We can't separate a married couple,  so they were entered into the lottery together on one slip o' paper.  This's yer chance to make new friends~!" Dagger told Ciel, smiling, as  Joker laughed. "Ain't that great!?"

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