That Butler, In Attendance

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The Circus's camp grounds were buzzing with speculation. It was so cold, their breaths could be seen in the chilled air.

"Wot's become o' Mister Joker an' the rest?" one troupe member with light hair asked Snake.

"Aww, 'e said 'e'd be back today, too," said another with dark hair.

"I have yet to catch even a whiff of him so he can't be nearby... says Oscar..." Snake replied after listening to the green snake with a lighter underbelly.

"This's the first time this's happened, ain't it?" the dark-haired troupe member said.

"They all right, you think?" the one with light hair asked.

"He said he'd return by morning too... says Emily," Snake said for a red snake with black and white stripes.

"So wot d'we do 'bout today's show?" the light-haired troupe member asked.

"Let's have stand-ins ready jus' in case..." the dark-haired troupe member suggested. Snake walked away. Past the people. Past the tents. He paused briefly at the entrance to the circus and looked up at its sign for a moment before stepping through.

"Being all by oneself is lonely..." Snake said.


Ciel, Sebastian, and Chêne stood in front of the train station, staring at its stately facade. Sebastian glanced down at his wife, who was standing beside him. When Chêne heard they were going to visit the Redbourn workhouse, she insisted on coming, despite the fact that she didn't seem to want to be in the same room as them. It was the first time she had spoken to either him or Ciel since they returned to the townhouse. She still performed her duties as a maid, but she had distanced herself from them. She didn't talk to them unless she had to. She seemed to be deep in thought most of the time. She hadn't smiled once.

"Let's go," Ciel said, taking a step forward to lead the way inside. The train station was a hive of activity. People were bustling about everywhere, trying to buy tickets, selling things, trying to catch a train, or waiting for the arrival of friends and loved ones. Chêne took in the lively scene with a despondent expression on her face. They made their way to their train.

"Good sir," a little girl called out, getting their attention as Ciel was entering the first-class passenger car. She hurried over to them when they stopped. "Would you care for some oranges?" she asked hopefully. "They're a penny each." Ciel looked at her. The little girl's face and clothes were dirty, but she was dressed neatly with her hair in braided pigtails. She was clearly trying her best with what little she had.

"Buy some," Ciel ordered Sebastian, even though Chêne was already digging through her coin purse for a penny, deciding to be charitable.

"!" the little girl lit up like a 1000 watt bulb, shining with gratitude. "Thank you so much!" She handed Sebastian and Chêne their oranges in exchange for the pennies. "May the Lord bless your journey." Sebastian and Chêne followed Ciel into first-class, helping him settle into a private compartment. Sebastian shut the door behind him. Chêne put her orange in her pocket for later. She didn't have an appetite at the moment.

"As we left on short notice, I could not procure third-class tickets," Sebastian informed Ciel as he put the suitcase he was carrying up on the luggage rack. "I apologize for the two of us accompanying you in a first-class seat."

"I don't particularly mind," Ciel said carelessly. Although, if Chêne kept up her current behavior, it was going to be one dismal ride.


The train's bell signaled its departure, and it began noisily moving down the tracks.


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