That Butler, Wailing

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{In the Phantomhive Drawing Room...}

Ciel had Tanaka fetch a cold compress for Arthur, which he held against his injured face while he listened to the others recount the events so far from their own points of views and took notes. Having just finished the process, Arthur returned the compress to Tanaka.

"Hearing your sides of the story has made everything much clearer, but... what concerns me the most is the whereabouts of the key to the earl's quarters," Arthur said. "As it stands, only Sebastian, who was in possession of the key, could have killed Mister Phelps, but... If the key had passed into the hands of another, that would change matters."

"But now that Sebastian has been killed, can it not be said that if anyone does have the key, that person is the culprit?" Ciel suggested.

"Quite," Arthur agreed.

"Then we first have to check whether or not the butler has the key. If he does have it, consider that theory squashed," Grey said. They would be back to square one.

"You're right. To that point, I think it best that we always conduct ourselves in groups from now on," Arthur said. "I do not wish to have a lady accompany us to the makeshift morgue, so... Miss Irene and Mister Grimsby, if you would please remain here."

"All right," Grimsby agreed, nodding. Irene seemed relieved.

"And... Mister Woodley as well..." Arthur added nervously, glancing cautiously at the other man.

"Hmph," Woodley said, looking less than pleased. He was still holding a cold compress to the side of his head where it hit the floor.

"I'll be fine here, enjoying some tea with Ran-Mao!" Lau said, holding her close. Ran-Mao nodded in agreement.

"I've nothing to do here, so I'll come wiiiith—!" Grey volunteered, raising his hand.

"Earl Phantomhive, I do hate to impose, but would you take us around the manor?" Arthur asked.

"Very well," Ciel agreed. "As the servants are more familiar with the manor below stairs, let's have them lead the way. All right?" he asked Bard and Finni.

"Yes, Young Master," they replied.

"Tanaka, Chêne, and Mei-Rin. Stay here and see to our guests," Ciel told them.

"Yes, Sir," they all answered with a bow.

"Let's be off, then," Ciel said.


The stone steps leading down to the cellar were dark, illuminated only by sparsely placed flickering candlelight and Bard's lantern. They could hear the magnified echo of a small drip somewhere in the darkness, which gave a feeling reminiscent of being in a cave.

"In this setting, I half expect a ghost or the like to pop out at any moment," Arthur remarked warily.

"Hey, cut that ouuut!!" Grey told him anxiously, flinching at the thought. "There's no such thing as ghosts!! 'Cos I only believe in what I can cut with my sword!!" he said with a pale face while clutching Ciel's arm.

"Then can you try your hand at walking without clinging on to me?" Ciel asked dryly. "It's hard for me to walk like this..."

"I figured you might be scared, so I was only taking the trouble of comforting you..." Grey retorted loudly, embarrassed.

"Gentlemen, we're here," Bard announced, stopping in front of a set of double doors. Arthur braced himself for what was waiting on the other side. Grey hid behind Ciel.

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