That Butler, Gravely Wounded

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"UWOOOO!" Sebastian yelled as he grasped Ciel's hand in his. He pulled Ciel close and protected him as they fell.


Sebastian slammed harshly into the ground and slid across the floor, holding Ciel tightly in his arms.

"!" Lacey said, watching them with concern. When Undertaker jumped down to their level, she jumped too and put herself between them.

"I knew you of all people would protect the earl," Undertaker told Sebastian. "Just what one would expect of his butler, hmm?"

"Ngh...!" Ciel grunted, straining to push himself up. Ciel looked at his hand. It was sticky with Sebastian's blood, which was also on his face and clothes. He furrowed his brow, a little shocked. Sebastian's eyes were closed, and he wasn't moving. There was blood around his mouth. "Sebastian...? Hey!" He shook him. "Sebastian!" He yelled.

"Do keep it down..." Sebastian said with a furrowed brow as he opened his eyes, breathing hard.

"!" Ciel said when Sebastian pushed himself up into a sitting position. The demon glared at Undertaker with glowing eyes, spitting out the blood in his mouth.

"Your cinematic record was quiiiiite entertaining!" Undertaker said. "It's a shame we didn't get to see more about why you married Missus Maid, yes?" He looked at Lacey. She stayed between him and Ciel and Sebastian. "... But... all the same, it appears you will only bring misfortune upon the young earl here."

"!?" Ciel gasped.

"So why don't we have you disappear?" Undertaker asked Sebastian, drawing back his scythe, preparing to attack.

"!!" Ciel exclaimed. Lacey prepared to block him.

"!?" Undertaker said when the whole ship shook. They were all surprised.

"Uwah!?" Ciel cried as the ship swayed and tilted.

"Don't tell me it's already..." Grell said.

"Blimey!" Ronald exclaimed

"UWAAAAAA!" Ryan screamed as he slid down the floor.

"My, my," Undertaker said with a grin. "Will it be anytime nooow, hmm?"

"Oh no..." Sebastian said. "The bow is pitching upward from the weight of all the water we have taken on!!"


The ship was lifted almost halfway out the water at a forty-five degree angle.

"Uwaaaaah!" people screamed on the deck as they fell and scrambled madly to catch hold of something.


Lacey and Sebastian, holding Ciel, quickly grabbed hold of part of a broken railing to prevent themselves from falling. Rian was not so lucky.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah—!" he screamed as he slid down the floor.


His broken body lay impaled on sharp debris.

"Rian stoker. Born August 24th, 1854," Grell said, landing on what was now the top of the railing Lacey and Sebastian were holding onto. "Died April 20th, 1889 due to a fall. Additional remarks, none." The Reaper looked from Sebastian to Undertaker. "Sebas-chan. As you can see, I haven't a moment to spare. I hope you'll forgive me, but I'll be taking that Undertaker fellow for myself. You just stay right there and watch me in action."

"!" Sebastian furrowed his brow. "I cannot allow y..."


Ronald tried to take Sebastian out with his scythe, but the demon dodged.

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