That Butler, Foreign 2

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"... So?" Ciel asked, frowning slightly as he furrowed his brow in irritation. "How long do you intend to stay here?" Ciel demanded sternly as he, Lau, and Soma all sat at the dining table together to eat breakfast. Today's meal was comprised of Agni's Shrimp Curry and the usual Indian side dishes that accompanied it. Chêne had helped by making some French toast with ginger to go with it, since she knew Ciel didn't particularly care for spicy foods. She usually had to tone down the spice when she served him any Creole dishes as well. True to her prediction, Ciel had not touched his serving of curry yet, but if he decided to be adventurous, the ginger she added to the French toast should complement the curry rather nicely.


"We'll leave when we've finished our errand," Soma said frankly as he munched on a naan, and Agni poured him some Chai tea. His cheeks were puffed out from stuffing the Indian bread in his mouth. It reminded Sebastian of what the 'hamsters,' that had been in the pet shop back in Chêne's world, looked like when they were eating. It had been strangely entertaining seeing a small animal shove so much food into its cheeks, but on a human... well, that was another matter entirely...

"That—" Ciel started to speak as a vein mark throbbed on his forehead, about to give Soma a piece of his mind.

"You mean the person you were looking for before, right?" Lau asked, smiling as he ate the delicious curry, cutting Ciel off before things could take an 'uncivil' turn for the worst.

"And why are you staying over as w—" Ciel asked Lau, chagrined, as a vein mark throbbed on his forehead.

"Yes. I'm in search of a certain woman," Soma said, interrupting Ciel again, as he continued to munch on his breakfast. Chêne sweat-dropped. What was this, 'ignore Ciel day'...? Soma suddenly pulled a piece of paper out of seemingly nowhere, and held it up.


The image on the paper made quite an impact... it was the same crude drawing of the 'seal woman' he had shown them before when they had bumped into those thugs.

"This one," Soma said, indicating the... 'woman' in the picture. They all sweat-dropped as they stared at it. Chêne accepted the prince's 'masterpiece' and handed it to Ciel. Agni smiled gratefully at her.

"Her name is Mina... and she was a servant in my palace," Soma explained as Ciel, Sebastian, Chêne, and Lau stared at his artwork. They were speechless.

"This is..." Ciel said, furrowing his brow, as he examined the drawing. He and the others sweat-dropped. So it really was supposed to be a woman...

"I drew it. You'll know right away when you see her because I drew her so well! Isn't she lovely?" Soma said as he continued eating. This prince could really eat... Although, he had a few crumbs on his face...

'I hope for this Mina's sake, that Soma is either just incredibly untalented, or partially blind...' Chêne thought, sweat-dropping.

"Sebastian, will you be able to seek her out with this...?" Ciel asked dubiously as he glanced at his demon butler. If anyone could find a human being using only this, it would be Sebastian. The air was already heavy with a sense of doom, though... Sebastian sweat-dropped.

"Even for me, this is a bit, erm... well, I shall try," Sebastian said, resignedly. He might as well give it a shot... but really, who did Ciel think he was, God...? Sebastian might be a powerful demon, but even he couldn't perform such a miracle... probably.

"I'll draw a copy of it, and take it with me to show people when I go shopping in a bit..." Chêne said, sweat-dropping and blushing slightly,  as she imagined the weird looks she would probably get for trying to find someone using such a picture.

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