That Butler, Most Evil 2

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* Tick-tock... tick-tock... tick-tock ... *

The only sound Vanel could hear now was the 'tick-tock' of the clock in the room.

'It's... gone all quiet...?' Vanel thought. It was unlike his men to be so silent after a victory.

* Tick-tock... tick-tock... tick-tock... *

* Click * Clack *

'!!' Vanel thought, startled when he heard the ticking of the clock being replaced with the sound of footsteps. They were coming closer. Vanel aimed his gun at the door.

* Click * Clack *

Vanel's hand was shaking now.

* Click * Clack *

The door creaked open.

"Pardon my intrusion," Sebastian said, as he stepped out of the darkness of the hallway and into the room.

"...!?" Vanel gasped in surprise.

"I have come to retrieve my master," Sebastian said, bowing gracefully.

'A butler!?' Vanel thought, shocked.

"Ha... Ha. I am amazed. To think you took all those men out yourself. Well, I'll be damned! I was wondering what sort of big man you were, but you are nothing more than a Romeo swanning around in a swallowtail coat," Vanel said. "Who are you? An assassin hired by Phantomhive? Or maybe an ex-special forces mercenary? You are not just a butler, yes?"

"Oh, but I am. One hell of a butler, that is," Sebastian replied.

"Ha! Is that so...? In any case, I have no intention of fighting with you, Signore Butler. I surrender," Vanel said nervously, lowering his gun. "However—" Vanel continued as he suddenly grabbed Ciel by the hair and held the gun to the  young earl's head. "I would have you leave the goods behind." Sebastian saw that Ciel had been beaten and restrained with shackles and leather belts to immobilize him. The young earl was barely conscious.

'Is this the usual treatment for an abducted child?' Sebastian wondered, remembering the pained expression on Chêne's face when she mentioned her own kidnapping. He stared emotionlessly at the man.

"You do not want a hole in your adorable young master's head, now do you? If you are a butler as you say, you should know what the situation calls for, yes?" Vanel sneered as he pressed the gun harder against Ciel's temple.

"I have what you desire..." Sebastian replied coolly as he began removing the 'game' from where it had been tucked inside his coat. A bullet pierced Sebastian's head. The demon butler's eyes widened. Ciel's own eyes widened in shock as he watched.

"Se—" Ciel said, stunned as the loud bangs of firing guns was heard and Sebastian's body was caught in a spray of bullets, piercing his body all over. A stray bullet hit the 'game' box and the drugs spilled from the container. Sebastian's bloody and limp body hit they flood. Ciel looked to where the bullet had come from. It turned out a group of gunmen had been hiding in a secret passage behind one of the paintings in the room. Ciel scowled.

"D—id we get him...?" Vanel asked hesitantly, as though he couldn't believe how easy it had been. "... Ha ha ha! Sorry, Romeo... but this game is mine!" Vanel said. He held Ciel's head up by his hair. "And after he went to the trouble of coming to get you... how sad for you... little Phantomhive. "You see, up against the 'Queen's watchdog,' I had to have a joker in hand. And once I kill you, all will be perfetto. You were in our way from the very beginning, watching us like the police! Eeh? I'll get rid of you... and conquer Inghilterra our way!" Vanel shouted.

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