That Butler, Superhuman 2

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"—Now then. Let us continue our little chat from before his highness's interruption," Lau said, smiling as they all sat back down at the table together again. Soma shifted guiltily in his chair, feeling ashamed of his spoiled behavior now. "First, West must have put Agni up to the aforementioned incidents. With his physical abilities, it would be easy for him to do everything alone," Lau said. Soma flinched, turning slightly blue with shock when Sebastian approached him to serve him tea.

"..." Sebastian said, frowning slightly in an attempt to hide his amusement. It hadn't really been all that bad, had it...?

"West mentioned... A 'three year plan' that 'the successful execution of that plan will take place in one week,' and that 'Agni's right hand is absolutely necessary'... I think that's everything," Chêne said.

"The most important factor here is the 'one week later' deadline," Ciel said as he accepted his tea from Sebastian.

"I agree. Now we know for sure that this isn't over yet, and when they'll make their final move, whatever it is," Chêne said thoughtfully.

"If West is using Agni's 'right hand of god,' perhaps they plan to raid a major event?" Lau suggested.

"It's possible... but I think the large-scale functions have all but ended, now that it's winter... and the queen's Golden Jubilee was held just last year..." Chêne pointed out.

"Sebastian. What events will be held in London one week from now?" Ciel asked. If Chêne didn't know, Sebastian definitely would.

"One week from now?" Sebastian said thoughtfully. "Hm. Young Master has received invitations to... a choir concert sponsored by Saint Sophia Academy at Westminster Abbey... Wagner at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden... an exhibition of Indian culture and its prosperity within The Empire at the Crystal Palace... an exhibition of world currencies at the British Museum..."

"Wait, go back! What was that about India?" Chêne asked, jumping out of her chair.

"... India?" Ciel said. He could see why Chêne was so excited. If they were going to pick an event, that would probably be it. They had targeted Anglo-Indians, after all.

"Young Master, a gentleman must read all correspondence addressed to him, no matter what the contents," Sebastian told Ciel glibly, sighing 'wearily,' as though he were explaining a simple fact to a stubborn toddler.

"Shut up and just give me the details," Ciel snapped, blushing slightly out of embarrassment, as a vein mark throbbed on his forehead.

"'The exhibition of Indian culture and its prosperity in the British Empire' will be held at the Crystal Palace next week. The main exhibits will feature Great Britain's achievements and Industry in India. A curry fair will be held as part of the programme," Sebastian explained. "Young Master had received an invitation to be a special judge at that fair. The fair will have several companies competing with their curries. Rumor has it that Her Majesty, who is known for her love of curry, will come visit the fair. Should I see which individuals are hosting their own parties as well?"

"India... Curry... That's quite enough," Ciel said, sweat-dropping, fed up with the whole situation.

"I see. So it's that after all. I guess you should have accepted, Ciel. It sounds fun... and we'd have an excuse to be there too..." Chêne said, smiling wryly. It'd be kind of weird to show up now, after he had rejected being a judge, since he probably just made the usual excuse of being 'too busy with work' without even reading the whole thing.

"It seems you've caught on, my Lord, Miss Maid," Lau said, smirking slightly.

"Yes. 'Three years.' 'A fair.' And as West covets brands and titles, he would only think of one thing," Ciel said, furrowing his brow slightly. "I can't believe how silly this case has turned out to be. I'm so unnerved, I don't know what to say..."

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