That Butler, Engaged

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{The following Morning...}

"Bye! Take care!" Chêne called after Agni and Soma as they left in the carriage Ciel was lending them in order to ensure their swift departure from his manor to the London townhouse.

"Don't forget to write, yes!" Mei-Rin called, waving her handkerchief. She was really going to miss their strange but very nice new friends.

"Bye-bye~!" Finni said cheerfully, smiling brightly as he waved energetically at them.

"Don't hesitate to call us if ya need somethin'!" Bard shouted, grinning.

"Goodbye, Ciel! Feel free to come visit me if you get lonely~!" Soma shouted back at them as he leaned out of the carriage, grinning.

"As if I would! It's my townhouse, remember!" Ciel snapped incredulously, vein mark throbbing on his forehead.

"Thank you for everything, friends! Farewell, until we meet again~!" Agni called cheerfully as he too waved goodbye.

"Yes, until then," Sebastian said, smiling slightly as he snickered at Ciel's reaction. He wouldn't miss the prince's troublesome behavior, but it was a shame he wouldn't be able to witness such amusing reactions from Ciel as often now. Ciel turned to his servants, vein mark throbbing on his head.

"Sebastian, prepare the other carriage," the young earl ordered sternly. "Chêne, I want you and the others to fetch the luggage. We shall depart for our own destination immediately."

"Are you going somewhere, young master?" Finni asked curiously.

"Yes," Ciel stated calmly as Sebastian drove up in the carriage, having already accomplished the simple task with his usual inhuman speed and efficiency. "And you lot are coming along as well."

"Eeeh!?" The other servants shouted in surprise. They were being allowed to come along on two trips in row!? Was this really the young master, or some kind of imposter!?

"Hoh, hoh, hoh," Mister Tanaka laughed softly as he sipped his tea.

{On the road, inside Ciel's carriage...}

"Are you sure about this?" Ciel asked Chêne. She was going over the facts of the case with him again while Sebastian drove their carriage. She nodded.

"Yes. We've narrowed it down to three possible suspects. Based on the information Sebastian has gathered already, I'd say we're looking at someone who meets the following requirements: A person who was present at all four wedding ceremonies, A person whom the wedding parties would not find suspicious if they were seated among them inside the church, someone who had spoken to at least one member of the couple before or at least saw the bride, and someone capable of concealing a gun on their person before anyone even noticed they had drawn it and where the cops wouldn't find it after searching them," Chêne explained.

"Wait, you said inside the church... Does that mean you disagree with the local police's theory that this was done by a sniper? I do not see how someone could avoid being spotted when pulling a gun in a crowded church," Ciel asked, furrowing his brow slightly. Sebastian had said the couples had been shot just before they passed through the doors to leave the church.

"Yes, but all of the victims, except the one groom, were shot in their backs," Chêne explained significantly. "If the shooter was firing into the church from the outside, then they should have been facing towards the shooter and been hit in the front." Ciel's eyes widened slightly in realization.

"In other words, they were shot after passing the shooter by..." Ciel said thoughtfully as he held his chin. "The shooter must have been sitting in one of the church pews, towards the back. And the reason the groom was shot in the front, was because he turned to face his bride when he tried to shield her.

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