That Butler, Performs 2

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"Let's go, Smile!!" Freckles yelled determinedly as he grabbed Ciel by the wrist and pulled him towards the fray of people fighting for their breakfast.

"Eh? Go...?" Ciel asked, puzzled. Why did his roommate sound like someone preparing to go into war...?

"If'n you don't hurry, you won't get no meat!" Freckles said, dead serious.

The first-string had already been given first pick, so it was the second-strings' and newcomers' turns. It was a mad scene––survival of the fittest.

"RAAAH!! OUTTA MY WAAAAY!!!" Freckles roared mightily as he charged recklessly towards the front of the mob, to where Sebastian and Chêne were busy serving everyone as quickly as possible, still dragging poor Ciel.


{Inside the Dining Tent...}

"Huh. So you only managed to get bread in the end," Freckles observed smartly, once he and Ciel had managed to escape from the throng of ravenous people, and they were safely seated at one of the dining tables.

"Yes..." Ciel managed to reply tiredly as his eye twitched, chagrined. He was positively exhausted from the ordeal. After all of that struggling, his clothes were in tatters again... and he only had one measly roll of bread to show for it. If this was survival of the fittest, then Ciel was definitely the runt of the litter.

"Aww, fine~! I'll give you some o' my sides~! You're a short little bag of bones, so fill your belly and grow big! Awright?" Freckles said generously, grinning cheerfully, as he began to transfer some of the sides from his own giant mound of food to Ciel's barren plate.

"Th-Thank you..." mumbled politely as he sweat dropped, embarrassed that he had needed help just to get enough food to feed himself. This was place was crazy...

'Hello~!" Chêne greeted them cheerfully as she plopped down on the bench next to her 'cute little brother'. "Ya'll don't mind if I join you, do you?" she asked, smiling brightly at them. Her plate was also piled with food somehow...

"Heya, Cat! Where's Black? He joinin' us too?" Freckles asked, grinning at Chêne as though they were already best buddies.

"He's still helping out at the moment, but he told me to go ahead and get a head start, since I usually have a bigger appetite than he does," Chêne replied casually as she slipped some more protein and veggies onto Ciel's plate for him.

"Haha, must be nice to have such a considerate man!" Freckles teased Chêne playfully. "But gosh, I gotta say... your and Black's cookin' is really ace!!"

"It is," Ciel mumbled absent-mindedly as he slowly munched on a piece of fish.

"Thanks~! The batter's from a family recipe," Chêne said, smiling happily as she ate. It was always nice to know people were enjoying your food.

"You and He used to be a maid and a butler, I hear. Guess maid's and butler's are even good at makin' grub!" Freckles said, scarfing down the amazingly gourmet food. "They sure turned the tater skins you messed up into somethin' delicious," he exclaimed as he turned to Ciel. Chêne decided it might be better no to comment on that last line.

"Yes," Ciel deadpanned, slightly irked that it had even been mentioned again.

"Good, I'm done! Thanks for the chow!" Freckles announced suddenly as he stood up abruptly, his plate already totally empty of food. "Time to practice! C'mon!" Freckles told Ciel bluntly, burping rather unceremoniously as he started walking away.
"Eh? Already?" Ciel asked, flinching in shock. He hadn't even finished off half of his normal-sized meal yet! What did Freckle-face do, inhale his food? He glanced at Chêne for help.

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