That Butler, Retaliatory 3

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"First, by killing those not on the list of the dead," Will said perfectly calm, as he suddenly kicked Grell in the face. "Second, by using a Death Scythe without submitting an application for said use." Will began stomping on Grell's face repeatedly, just as Sebastian had been doing earlier... only Will seemed to be very blasé about it, like he was slightly bored.

"Hey... Wi... Bufuh!! Agh!" Grell choked out in between blows, obviously in agonizing pain.

"..." Ciel and Chêne said, sweat-dropping as they watched. This was his 'ally'? Chêne was starting to feel a little sorry for Grell...

"We will return to headquarters right away and have you submit a written apology and report," Will said as he began dragging Grell away by his long, red hair.

"Listen!! I was just about to get killed, you heard!?" Grell shouted indignantly. His face was swollen completely beyond recognition now... He looked like a puffer fish. "You're so cold—"

"Quiet," Will said coldly as he swung Grell by his hair and slammed him into the ground. Hard.


"Buh!" Grell grunted in pain.

"I apologize for all the trouble that thing has caused you," Will said as he gave a deep bow to Sebastian. "Ah. My card," he said as he handed Sebastian a business card.

"I... see..." Sebastian said, a little stunned, as he took the card. This was certainly an unexpected turn of events.

"Really... having to bow my head to a noxious beast like you... is an affront to all reapers," Will muttered darkly.

Sebastian stared at him for a moment, before carelessly tossing the card over his shoulder.

"Then please keep watch over your underlings so as not to inconvenience said noxious beast," Sebastian said, smiling. "Humans are easily tempted," he said darkly as his smile changed to a wicked smirk. "When they are poised on the edge of hellish despair... and a spider's thread of salvation presents itself, they will invariably grasp it... no matter the manner of human," Sebastian said, glancing briefly at Ciel and Chêne out the corner of his eye.

"Why're yaaa look'n a' meee fo'...?" Chêne said weakly, slurring her words. She was teetering on the spot where she was sitting on the ground, like she was about to fall over... apparently extreme blood loss can make you look drunk when you're too weak to speak properly and sit up on your own. Will narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Chêne before turning back to Sebastian. Sebastian didn't like the way he had looked at Chêne... was she closer to death than he thought? If so, he may have another fight on his hands.

"Taking advantage of that, you devils seduce humans... and live by leeching off of them, isn't that right?" Will said, frowning in distaste as he adjusted his glasses.

"Heh... I do not deny that," Sebastian said calmly. After all, his plans for the dying Chêne were not entirely benevolent in nature.

"Though as a collared pet dog... I suppose you're somewhat better than a mad dog with no sense of fidelity, hm?" Will said, glancing at Ciel. He turned to face Chêne. "What is your name, girl?" he asked bluntly. Sebastian tensed. The Reaper was going to try to collect her. Chêne blinked in confusion. Her vision was getting blurry.

"Ch-Chêne LeBeau...?" Chêne said, wondering why it mattered. She wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box at the moment.

"Chêne LeBeau..." Will said thoughtfully as he flipped through the pages of his book, reading the names on his 'to die' list for the night. He frowned, puzzled. "How strange... Your body is clearly about to shut down and die physically, and yet your name is not on the list. Since that is the case, I cannot collect your soul at the moment, but those are not wounds that can be healed by a human. I'm certain we will meet again soon," Will told Chêne. Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the Reaper.

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