That Butler, Capricious

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"'Someone well-versed in medical science and anatomy.' Someone with no alibi on the nights of the murders,' and 'someone involved with a secret society or cult of black magic.' Only one individual fulfills all of these conditions," Sebastian told them as they all sat in the townhouse's sitting room, and enjoyed their afternoon tea and cake. "The Viscount of Druitt, one Sir Aleistor Chambers. He graduated medical school, but did not work at a hospital or practice medicine. He has held several parties at his residency during the Season... but... there are rumors that he also hosts secret parties on the side in which only he and his intimate acquaintances may participate."

"Well, he definitely fits the profile..." Chêne said. She was still a little peeved that her input had been ignored.

"The Viscount Druitt, hm... Now that I think about it, I have heard rumors that he's into black magic or something similar. The rose something or the golden something..." Madam Red said, trying to remember the secret society's name.

"So, some kind of ritual is being conducted at those 'secret parties'... and the prostitutes may have been used as offerings," Lau said.

"Yes," Ciel said, taking another bite of his dessert.

"Tonight, there will be yet another party at the viscount's residence beginning at 19:00. As the Season will be coming to an end... it is safe to say that this evening will be our final opportunity to steal in," Sebastian said.

"So, in other words, we need to crash the party somehow without arousing his suspicion?" Chêne said. This sounded like it was going to be interesting.

"Madam red. That is where we stand. Can you do something about it?" Ciel asked.

"Really. Who do you take me for? I'm quite popular with men, I'll have you know.  Obtaining an invitation or two will be child's play," Madam Red said confidently as she flipped her hair with her hand.

"Then it's decided. We'll do whatever it takes to get into that 'secret party.' But make certain not to use the Phantomhive name. We may fail to catch them otherwise," Ciel said seriously. "This is our only chance!"


"I... Think not!!" Ciel said bluntly, disturbed by what he had just heard. There was no way in hell he was doing that.

"Oh, come on, Ciel. Like it or not, Madam has a point. Disguising yourself is the best solution in this situation," Chêne said, smiling brightly.

"So why do I have to cross-dress!?" Ciel yelled incredulously, vein mark throbbing on his forehead.

"Really! Losing your nerve after coming this far is anything but manly!" Madam scolded him as she held up a frilly light-blue dress. Grell was admiring a red dress that was still hanging in the closet.

"How can you say that whilst holding that thing?" Ciel demanded, vein mark throbbing on his forehead.

"Come, come. We have already decided upon our course of action, so there can be no turning back now. It is sometimes necessary to resign oneself to one's fate, my Lord," Lau told him, smiling. "Incidentally, I am of the opinion that a china doll dress will be nice and fresh. What do you say?" Lau said, holding up a sexy china dress. "This is one of our creations."

"Lau... you bastard..." Ciel muttered darkly, oozing murderous intent.

"Riiight, let's stop right there," Chêne said, sweat-dropping. As funny as it would be, she felt too sorry for Ciel to let them make him wear something like that. The slit in the side of the dress went all the way up to the hip.

"Oh, I agree! Most certainly not!" Madam Red said. "It goes without saying that an English lady of the upper classes must wear a dress of the highest quality and heaviest silk to a ball!"

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