That Butler, Competitive 3

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Sebastian stood back and smiled, satisfied with his handiwork. He had managed to complete the main dish for tonight's dinner, now he just needed the sauce... It was time to check on Agni's progress. He picked up a towel and began wiping his gloved hands off.

"How are things going, Mister Agni? Coming along well?" Sebastian asked as he peeked into the other kitchen.

"Yes~! We are doing fine~!" Agni said, smiling happily as he paused in using the rolling pin to flatten the piecrust dough. Bard was busy peeling a very fat carrot, and Finni was calmly mashing potatoes, while Mister Tanaka, who was dressed as a chef, was laughing as he juggled a tomato, onion, and bell pepper. The atmosphere in the kitchen was light and merry, rather like it usually was whenever Chêne cooked. There didn't seem to be any sign of destruction either... Sebastian stood there, frozen in place, not sure whether he was dreaming or not...

"Mmm... Something smells delicious~! Like cottage pie, but with chicken~!" Chêne said dreamily as she entered the kitchen, lured in by the yummy aroma that was wafting out through the open doorway. She paused, her eyes widening slightly in surprise when she saw everyone working peacefully in the kitchen, and judging by the look on Sebastian's face, it wasn't his doing... that left the only other 'responsible adult' in the room. She smiled. 'Saint Agni strikes again...' she thought, amused. "Oh, I see everyone is helping out tonight," Chêne said, smiling brightly at them. They seemed to be having fun. "Are you okay...?" she whispered to Sebastian when she walked over to him. Sebastian glanced at her, and realized that he was not dreaming... The three stooges really were being... productive for once.

"Mister Sebastiaaaan~!! Miss Chênnnne~!!" Finni said excitedly as he held up his bowl to show them his perfectly mashed potatoes. "Look, I mashed the potatoes for the pie!!" Finni said excitedly, smiling proudly. He had managed to do something right, without breaking anything, all by himself!

"That's great, Finni! These look perfect!" Chêne praised him, smiling, as she ruffled his hair affectionately. Finni was like a cute little puppy that had just learned a new trick. She knew how difficult it was for him to control his strength, too. "Maybe I should get you to help me next time?" she said, laughing.

"Okaay~!" Finni said excitedly, beaming with delight at his success.

"I chopped up the onions, and now I'm doin' the garnish! Eh-hen! 'Cos I'm the Chef!" Bard boasted proudly as he pulled his goggles up. The garnish was just boiled vegetables, and Agni had already cooked them, but being able to do some of the prep work, on top of being called 'Chef' had obviously made Bard extremely pleased. Chêne smiled wryly. She knew Bard was fairly good at chopping vegetables, since she sometimes had him help her with that when she was running short on time, but she never realized how badly he wanted to be addressed as 'Chef' until now... but he was acting kind of like his ego might have been a  little over inflated, so she didn't think she'd be changing how she addressed him anytime soon... just 'Bard' was fine for now.

"The table has already been set too, it has! I polished the silver," Mei-Rin said, blushing. Chêne walked over and inspected one of the silver plates. Mei-Rin had used the right polish this time, and it was spotless.

"Good job, Mei-Rin~! It's super shiny, like a mirror!" Chêne praised her fellow maid. Mei-Rin smiled and blushed at the praise.

"Thanks to everyone, the food should turn out to be delicious~!" Agni said, smiling brightly, as the other servants smiled happily after being able to help, and hearing Chêne's praise. Sebastian just stood there, honestly shocked that this was really happening... He never would have thought anyone other than Chêne would be able to have the patience to deal with these three harbingers of disaster, and keep them from running amok...

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