That Butler, Activated 2

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"I've come to see my lovely nephew, who told me he was making his way to London," the former Baroness Burnett, Angelina Durless (aka Madam Red) said, smiling coyly at them. Madam Red was none other than Ciel's aunt, on his mother's side, and she worked at the Royal London Hospital, so she didn't often have time to visit Ciel out in the countryside.

"Why, hello, Lord Earl. I heard rumors that something of interest is afoot," Lau said, smirking slightly. Lau was the manager of the Chinese trading company 'Kong Rong.' Chêne couldn't help but feel he was a rather shady character, since, like Sebastian, he always seemed to be smiling, and he never seemed to open his eyes either. She always wondered how he didn't walk into anything... plus, Lau was running 'suspicious establishments' on the side.

"A most troublesome pair has showed up..." Ciel mumbled, already feeling a headache coming on. Chêne smiled wryly and patted him on the shoulder in a 'there, there' way.

"We apologize for not being able to greet our honorable guests. I will have elevenses ready momentarily, so please wait a while," Sebastian said, giving the uninvited guests a positively radiant shit-eating grin.

"What a lovely aroma. Especially when prepared correctly," Madam red said, smiling blissfully as she inhaled the soothing aroma of the tea Sebastian was serving them, as Chêne brought out the snacks and set them on the table for Ciel and his guests.

"Today is Jackson's 'Earl Grey,'" Sebastian informed her, smiling politely, just as a proper butler should, as he held the teapot.

"Earl Grey can taste this different!?" Madam Red said, surprised. "Grell, you should follow his example," she admonished her butler.

'Grell, huh? So that's his name...' Chêne thought. She had met Madam Red and Lau before, but not Grell.

"Y-Yes..." Grell Sutcliff, butler of the Burnett family, said, downcast.

"In any case... You are a most handsome fellow, no matter how many times I look at you!" Madam red said as she ran her hand up and down Sebastian's backside, stroking his butt, and smirking deviously.

"!!" Sebastian said, flinching in surprise. He hadn't quite expected that... usually he was the one doing the harassing. Chêne would've been amused by how Sebastian's karma had finally caught up with him, if it weren't for her feelings for him.

"!?" Chêne said, managing to go blue with shock and horror, blush, and not drop the serving tray she was holding—all at the same time. Who said she couldn't multi-task?

"..." Ciel said, frozen mid-sip, stunned. Why was he surrounded by such strange people?

"Guhfufu... Why don't you come to my place instead of working at a manor house!?" Madam Red said, laughing. Sebastian smiled and sweat-dropped. He shouldn't have let his guard down like that. The demon butler much preferred to be the one doing the harassing.

"Ahem! Madam Red..." Ceil said, vein mark throbbing on his head, as he recovered from his shock. His aunt was a grown woman... you'd think she could behave herself. Well, at least he had gotten to see Sebastian caught off guard for once. The demon's usually smug smile was slightly awkward after being assaulted.

"Oh, my! Pardon me! I started kneading him without realizing it," Madam Red said, smiling innocently as she rubbed  the back of her neck, slightly bashful after being caught. "I wonder if  it's just a doctor's habit?"

'As if anyone would really believe such a bogus excuse...! Who needs a doctor like that!?' Chêne thought, chagrined, as a vein mark throbbed on her forehead. Sebastian noticed Chêne's little spell of jealousy, and smirked knowingly at her.

"Hmph!" Chêne huffed, turning her head away from him, refusing to let him see her blush. On second thought, he deserved to be the one on the receiving end of the harassment for once!

"You're looking as lovely as ever, Miss Chêne," Lau said, getting her attention. "Are you sure you still don't want to become one of my  'business partners'?" he asked suggestively. Chêne sweat-dropped as she stared at him, her eyebrow twitching. This wasn't the first time he had 'propositioned' her. Chêne gave Lau a scathing look that said 'not a snowball's chance in hell,' unaware of the frighteningly calm 'smile' Sebastian was beaming at the Chinaman, from behind her. Lau flinched slightly. For some reason, he suddenly felt like his life was in danger.

"Haha... It seems I have failed to acquire the fair maiden's hand, once again," Lau said, smiling nervously.

"Let's get right down to it..." Ciel said, setting his teacup down as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes at all the so-called 'adults' in the room. "A few days ago, a prostitute was killed in Whitechapel."

"Ah, that incident the papers have been making a fuss over, yes? I know of it," Madam Red said, smirking slightly.

"But... there must be something more to it since you're here," Lau said meaningfully as he glanced at Ciel.

"Yes, this is no simple murder," Ciel said calmly. "It is psychotic... better yet, abnormal. That is what concerns 'Her.'"

"What do you mean?" Madam Red asked.

"The victim, Mary Ann Nichols... was ripped to shreds with some sort of specialized cutting instrument," Sebastian explained as Ciel took a bite of his mini fruit tart.

'How did he know that...?' Chêne  wondered. 'Maybe I should start actually reading the newspaper, instead of just getting the spark notes version of it from the others...' she thought, sweat-dropping. 'Still, that name sounds vaguely familiar...'

"The city police and the local prostitutes have dubbed the killer... 'Jack  the Ripper,'" Ciel said. Chêne's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

'That's why the name sounded familiar! She was a victim of one of the most famous serial killers of all time...!' Chêne thought. Ciel hadn't  actually told her all the details of the queen's letter. The young earl had only mentioned that they would be investigating a case for the queen, and that she was being allowed to come with them, instead of having to stay behind with the other servants. So, Chêne hadn't realized  just who they were going after until just now. She couldn't believe it. They were chasing after the Jack the Ripper!?

'Wait... they better not have brought me along as bait...!' Chêne thought worriedly. She wouldn't put it past Sebastian to endanger her life just for kicks.

"I too hurried to London to verify the situation," Ciel said, finishing his explanation, unaware of Chêne's inner turmoil.

"Heh... and I too am very curious... to see what the queen's watchdog will sniff out," Lau said with an air of mystery.

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