That Butler, Freeloading 4

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{Later that evening, at the Phantomhive London Townhouse...}

"We labored in vain..." Ciel groaned, exhausted, as they entered the town house, and Sebastian took Ciel and Lau's coats. "And now it's begun to snow..."

"You say 'snow' like it's a bad thing..." Chêne said, sweat-dropping. "I'm sure we'll find something soon," she reassured Ciel.

"The culprit may be among them. Let us wait for Lord Randall to contact us," Sebastian said, smiling wryly at Ciel's chagrin. Lord Randall was presently in the process of interrogating the thugs that had tried to mug them.

"Really! I'm tired of being summoned to London every time a silly incident like this occurs!!" Ciel huffed as he marched off to the sitting room, so he could finally sit down and relax after such a long and irritating day.

"Haha~! You must howl if there is even the faintest possibility of harm befalling Her Majesty! Such is the difficult role of the watchdog, Earl," Lau told Ciel, smiling. "But I don't mind in the least since I get to play with you~!"

"Young Master!" Mei-Rin said excitedly as she, Bard, Finni, and Mister Tanaka suddenly popped out and peeked around the doorframe.

"Welcome hooome~!!" Finni said cheerfully, smiling brightly at them.

"Yes, home~!" Mei-Rin chimed happily. They had been good and played in the snow all day instead of trying to clean and cook, just like Chêne had asked. So the house was still fully intact and tidy upon their return.

"You brought all your servants with you this time?" Lau asked, smiling. He was slightly puzzled as to why Ciel would do that when Chêne and Sebastian were enough last time...

"Yes. It would be troublesome to leave them behind at the manor," Sebastian said gravely with a serious gleam in his eye. Chêne sweat-dropped. After the others had managed to completely destroy the mansion, any trust Sebastian had in them to behave themselves in their absence had been completely destroyed as well.

"Ohhh?" Lau said curiously.

"Please, don't ask," Chêne said, sighing, as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well! You must be worn out from the cold. I will have tea ready right away," Sebastian said, smiling a brilliant shit-eating grin.

"Oh, that sounds great! I'll make a snack to go with it," Chêne said, smiling.

"Haah. Indeed," Ciel agreed, sighing wearily. He could use something sweet to perk him up.

"I would prefer Chai to English tea," a familiar voice said.

"Indeed," Ciel agreed.

"Eh?" Ciel, Chêne, Sebastian, and Lau said as they whipped their heads around when they realized who had spoken. There, standing inside the Town house with them, were the two strange and well-dressed Indians they had met before—Agni and Soma.

"This is awfully small compared to my palace," Soma said as he looked around.

"Wh—!? Wh—!? Why are you here!?" Ciel demanded incredulously. Idiot hairs popped out on Chêne and Sebastian's heads as they sweat-dropped. Wasn't the better question 'how'... As in, 'How in the world did they find them and manage to slip in without any of them noticing!?'

"What do you mean, why? We became acquainted but a moment ago. Have you forgotten me already?" Soma said bluntly.

"Became acquainted, you say..." Ciel sputtered indignantly.

"Huh? What's going on?" Finni and the other servants asked Chêne as he tugged on her sleeve. Chêne sweat-dropped and smiled wryly at their innocently curious stares.

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