That Butler, Trick or Treat 6

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{Back at the LeBeau residence...}

The rest of their trip to the mall went off without a hitch, and they made it home with plenty of time to spare before Laurie, Chêne's younger sister was expected to be home once the school bus dropped her off at home.

"I think I will have Funtom launch a new line of 'build it yourself' stuffed animals, like at that Build-A-Bear store, for Christmas. The idea of allowing a customer to personalize their toys like that is quite novel, and it will be appropriate for children of all ages," Ciel said thoughtfully as he lounged on the sofa with Chêne and Sebastian.

Lacey was sprawled out on the loveseat, flipping through the TV channels while they talked business. Pomona was in the kitchen baking some chocolate chip cookies for dessert after supper, and Cpt. LeBeau had gone back out to buy some last minute Halloween candy for any trick-or-treaters tomorrow night. Chêne found out that her parents had been planning on spending Halloween night and All Saint's Day on the Southshore, in their old house (since they still hadn't found a buyer yet), but they decided to buy the candy now instead waiting, on the off chance that the stores might be sold out on Halloween... It had happened to them before, but Pomona had solved that little crisis by quickly whipping up some homemade caramel covered apples.

"Chêne, since the other designers seem to be useless at the moment, I want you to start working on designs for the possible base bodies for these dolls, as well as their clothes and accessories once we get back," Ciel told her. Chêne nodded in understanding.

"Sure. I'll work on the display and the plans for the 'stuffing-fluffing' machine while I'm at it," Chêne said, smiling wryly.

"Wait, I thought you were his maid, Chêne... why are you designing toys?" Lacey asked curiously, pausing on the Disney channel. She knew Chêne wouldn't be too happy with her if she put something that would mentally scar Ciel on...

"Chêne is also working as his consultant on the designs for posters and products for the Funtom Company," Sebastian explained.

"Yep, I'm Ciel's springboard. I get to test the toys sometimes too~!" Chêne said, grinning.

"That's awesome-sauce! You ended up being able to be a graphic designer after all, huh?" Lacey said, grinning, happy that her friend was doing so well for herself.


They looked over at the doorway as a tall, thirteen-year-old girl entered the room.

"Mom, Dad, I'm—!?" Laurie called out, freezing in shock when she saw the current occupants of the living room. Laurie had inherited Pomona's blond hair, but she was tall and a little tan, like her father, and she had his warm, brown eyes.

"Oh, welcome home, sweetie~! How was school~?" Pomona asked, smiling as she poked her head out of the kitchen.

"M-M-M-Mooooom!? Why didn't you call and tell me that Chêne was back!?" Laurie demanded incredulously as she threw her backpack on the floor, and launched herself at Chêne, making it the third time that day that someone had tackled her. "Yaaay~! My big sis is back~!" Laurie cheered gleefully as she sat on her Chêne's lap, straddling her older sister as she cuddled with her.

"Wow, Chêne, you're getting a lot of action today, huh?" Lacey teased her, smirking. Ciel and Sebastian sweat-dropped. It was like Chêne was a magnet for the weird and over-affectionate.

"I missed you too, Laurie... but you're a little old to be sitting in my lap like this..." Chêne said, smiling wryly as she sweat-dropped.

"And whose fault is that? Because of a certain someone I missed out on two whole years of cuddling with my beloved Sis!" Laurie said, narrowing her eyes dangerously at Ciel as a vein mark throbbed on her forehead. They all sweat-dropped.

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