That Butler, Peerless

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'Don't tell me... these are all—!?' Ciel thought, disturbed, as he stared at the rows and rows and rows of coffins hanging in the cargo hold. They were all rattling and creaking as if something was trying to break out of them. The lacing on one of the braces binding one of the coffins broke.


Ciel, Lizzie, and Snake all paled a little as a hand reached out from within, pushing it open. The brace broke completely, and the coffin dropped to the floor.


It wasn't the only one. More laces snapped and more hands reached out from the coffins, opening their doors with a bang. Ladies in corsets and undergarments and men in formal suits, all of them blindfolded, spilled from the coffins and slowly turned their attention to the living. They moaned and groaned as they staggered forward in an undead mob.


{First-Class Smoking Lounge...}


Ronald skidded across the floor on his lawnmower death scythe and ducked when Sebastian threw more knives at him. The knives only missed the Reaper by a hair.

"You're as good as they say!" Ronald told him.

"Why, thank you," Sebastian said, suddenly behind him in a flash. Ronald's eyes widened as he flinched in shock.

"Oopsie!" Ronald said, managing to dodge the demon's fist at the last second, glancing at his watch. "It's almost time!" He rolled forward, away from Sebastian. "I can't be playing' around now!"

"!?" Sebastian said, surprised.

"I don't wanna get stuck writing a letter of apology because I was late. No, sir. Work's gotta get done efficiently!" Ronald said, riding his death scythe towards the door. "So on that note, see ya laaater... Sebas-chan!☆" He winked and waved goodbye, and then he disappeared around the corner.

"......" Sebastian said, still frozen in a fighting pose. "Eh?" Wasn't that too abrupt? Not that he was complaining, but... How arbitrary could a person be?


{Orlop Deck, Cargo Hold...}

"Run, Lizzie!" Ciel said, holding her hand and pulling her along, as they ran, followed by Snake. Fortunately, the moving corpses shuffled towards them very slowly. Unfortunately, they were blocking the escape route. "They're at the exit as well..."

"!!" Lizzie gasped, horrified, when the one that ate the cake tried to eat her again.


Ciel put himself between her and the corpse and shot it in the head. It fell to the ground, immobilized, but there was still the rest of the undead mob to be dealt with.

"Kuh...!" Ciel said, furrowing his brow as he looked for another solution to their problem. He looked at a tall stack of crates. That should do. "Snake, take Lizzie and get on top of the crates!!" he ordered. "Hurry!!"


Ciel fired more shots while Snake helped Lizzie climb the crates.

"Damn! There are too many of them..." Ciel said, taking a step back. Lizzie gasped and paled when she saw movement in the shadows.

"Ciel!! Behind you!!" Lizzie yelled when one of the moving corpses came at him from an unexpected direction. For a moment, Ciel thought he was a goner, and he squeezed his eye shut, but the attack never came. The corpse froze in place. Ciel opened his eye and saw that it was because it was being restrained by Snake's snakes.

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