That Butler, All's Well that Ends Well

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{The next morning—Phantomhive Manor, the Downstairs...}

"Hmm... I'm not really sure I get what happened yesterday...?" Finni said, furrowing his brow slightly in confusion as he and the other servants (minus Chêne and Sebastian) sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Chêne to come make breakfast for them, like she usually did. Bard sighed as he took a drag on his cigarette.

"Which part? Ya mean how the fake weddin' turned out to be real, or why that florist lady was killin' all them poor brides?" Bard asked, chagrined. He really hadn't seen either one coming. And to think, the reason they couldn't find the gun before when the police tried searching the church and guests, was because the woman had hidden it in one of the folds of her skirt's bustle! Who'd have ever thought to look there?

"Haah, they make such a lovely couple, they do~!" Mei-Rin sighed dreamily. It was a shame a fine man like Mister Sebastian wasn't on the market anymore, but she was thoroughly looking forward to seeing what their children would be like, once they got around to having some... Since it was so last minute, the newly weds didn't get a chance to plan a honeymoon, and they couldn't just leave the young master alone on such short notice, so they had to put that bit on hold for a while. However, Mei-Rin did notice the two of them slipping into the same bedroom the previous night, after they had tucked Ciel into bed upon their return home...

"Uh, yeah... sure," Bard said, sweat dropping as he watched the bespectacled maid's nose start to bleed. "Um, Mei-Rin... you got a little something'..." he said awkwardly as he pointed at his own nose to give her a hint that she should wipe her own. "Anyway, Finni. From what I gather, the wedding was originally meant to be just a cover, but Sebastian and Chêne decided to take advantage of the opportunity and get married for real, since they already had the paperwork and priest handy anyway. Haha, can't really say I blame Sebastian for snaggin' himself such a pretty bride!" he said, smiling ruefully. "As for that florist, Miss Pepperidge, I heard her motive for shooting all those poor women is because she killed the first bride out of jealousy. She's a really looney, that one! Apparently, she was in love with the first victim, and totally snapped when she heard she was gettin' hitched. One of those 'if I can't have you, no one will' nutters. Anyway, since she knew she'd be a suspect, she kept killin' brides that looked like her love to make it look like the work of a serial killer. I guess once she started, she just couldn't make herself stop."

"It's a good thing Mister Sebastian and Miss Chêne make such a good team~!" Finni said, smiling brightly.


{Phantomhive Upstairs, Ciel's bedroom...}

"Really, Young Master. Don't tell me you are still upset about what happened the other day? Are you not pleased that you were able to let her majesty know you managed to solve the case in time for today, Christmas Eve, to be able to be celebrated peacefully?" Sebastian asked Ciel, smiling his custom shit-eating grin at the moody earl. After discovering how Sebastian had taken advantage of the situation, he had been in a rather dark mood.

"Of course I'm 'upset'! How dare you take advantage of the situation and move on your own like that!!" Ciel snapped bitterly, glaring at his demon butler, as a vein mark throbbed on his forehead. "I've let you get away with teasing Chêne because it was mostly harmless, but... you've crossed the line this time! Marriage isn't a game. Chêne takes things like this very seriously, and if you hurt her––"

"Young Master," Sebastian said sternly, his eyes glowing slightly. Ciel froze, slightly startled by the cold look in his butler's eyes as he glared down at him. "That you would even suggest such a thing insults me. This may come as a shock to you, but while I admit that I find seeing Chêne's various reactions to certain circumstances rather entertaining, Inflicting any serious physical or emotional harm on her is the last thing that I would ever want," he stated seriously. Ciel grit his teeth as he stared up at the demon. He knew Sebastian was serious about Chêne now, however... He still didn't like the idea of her falling into the hands of this demon.

"Do you truly love her Sebastian? Tell me the truth," Ciel ordered gravely. Sebastian sighed. He wished his young master would just accept it already.

"The truth is, Young Master, I probably love Chêne as deeply as it is possible for a demon like myself to love another––so much so, that I even went so far as to bow my head before God for her. I ask that you take that into consideration before questioning my devotion to her in her future," Sebastian stated solemnly. As he turned away from Ciel to start pouring the tea. Ciel didn't really have anything he could say to that. He hadn't even thought about what it would mean for Sebastian to kneel before the altar of God until now, since he had done so without complaint... although, thinking about it now, the reason Sebastian had been so compliant with his order to do so, must have been because of his plans for Chêne...

"Very well, then," Ciel said finally as he accepted his cup of tea from Sebastian, deciding to let the matter drop for now. If Chêne knew how opposed to their marriage he was, it would probably hurt her. "What's done is done. I'll give the two of you my blessing, if only for her sake, but Sebastian... If you make Chêne cry, I will forbid you from seeing her. Make Chêne happy, that's an order," Sebastian smirked.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian replied dutifully as he bowed to his young master. Really, he would have done that whether Ciel had ordered him to or not.

"Speaking of Chêne, where is she? Doing some last minute decorating?" Ciel asked as he sipped his tea.

"Ah, no. I decided to let her have her rest. I tried to be as gentle as possible, since it was Chêne's first time, but I'm afraid I might have been a little too... enthusiastic?" Sebastian said thoughtfully with a gleam in his eye as he remembered their wedding night. He hadn't really let Chêne get any actual sleep... Now his shit-eating grin looked more like what Lacey would have referred to as his 'rape face'. Ciel spit out his tea, hitting his chest as he coughed, nearly choking. "Oh my. Are you all right, Young Master?" Sebastian asked innocently, smiling that shit-eating grin of his.

"O-Of course I'm not all right!!" Ciel snapped indignantly, flushing bright red as a vein mark throbbed on his forehead. "Are you trying to kill me!? Don't talk about such things so early in the morning! Just because I gave you approval for Chêne's sake, doesn't mean I want to know what you two are doing behind closed doors, damn it!"

"My apologies, sir," Sebastian replied a little too patronizingly for Ciel's taste. "I thought perhaps you might be mature enough to hear such talk by now, seeing as, in just a few more years you and Lady Elizabeth shall be––"

"––Enough!!" Ciel shouted indignantly, slapping his hands over his ears to block out Sebastian's voice. He didn't want to even think about it. He was just thirteen years old, for crying out loud! Chêne was like an annoying but loving older sister to him! And what would sweet, innocent Lizzie think if she ever heard he might have had dirty thoughts about her!? "I can't hear you! I refuse to hear you!" he said stubbornly. "Don't say anything more on the matter! As it is Christmas Eve, we shall all simply be taking it easy today and tomorrow. I have had enough 'excitement' between the hanging incidents and this last case to last me for quite some time!"


{Sebastian's Room...}

"Haah..." Sebastian sighed as he shut the door behind him. He felt like he might have a slight headache coming on after hearing the three stooges deafening yells of surprised exclamations when he had told them not to disturb Chêne's rest. Really, she was his wife, now. It would be strange if he hadn't made a move on her... The demon butler smiled slightly to himself as he took in the sight of his lovely wife curled up in his bed, just where he had left her. In the soft morning light, her silky chestnut hair and soft, porcelain skin seemed to have an ethereal glow about them. She furrowed her brow slightly, as she tried to bury her pretty face further into the pillow to hide from the sunlight, still a little reluctant to join the rest of the waking world.

"Mmn... Sebastian?" Chêne asked sleepily as she finally opened her eyes. She smiled when he sat down beside her on the bed, and snuggled closer as he gently stroked her hair.

"I didn't mean to wake you yet." Sebastian apologized, smiling wryly when she sighed blissfully, enjoying his company. If she were a kitten, she'd be purring...

"It's okay... I have to get up sometime..." she said, smiling, as she raised herself up enough to kiss him on the cheek. "We've still got to get ready for one of my favorite holidays, after all~!" she said playfully.

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