That Butler, Guiding

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"Maurice Cole. He must be a pathological liar," Ciel said, licking a dot of whipped cream from the strawberry shortcake he was eating that had gotten on the corner of his upper lip.

"What makes you say that?" Sebastian asked.

"Did you see his hands?" Ciel asked.

"His hands?" Sebastian said, raising an eyebrow.

"The hands of the fags in school tend to be blistered and chapped from running errands for the upperclassmen," Ciel said. "However, his hands are as white and pure as the driven snow... Which means..."

"He, too, is resorting to dirty tricks like you, Young Master?" Sebastian said, holding his chin.

"Exactly. That part at the end was wholly uncalled for!" Ciel said with a small vein throbbing on his head. He ate another forkful of strawberry shortcake. "Besides, the way he categorically lied to me with ease and without so much as faltering tells me I'm right," he added with his brow furrowed.

"Heh. As badgers of the same sett, I expect you would be able to identify him by smell," Sebastian said.

"Hmph," Ciel said, setting aside his empty plate. "I can prove the falsehood in his statement with no trouble, but... that won't be enough to put an end to it. Sebastian, find others who have been entrapped by Cole like I was. And I also want you to thoroughly investigate Maurice's behavioral patterns and habits."

"As you wish, Sir," Sebastian said with a slight smile. "Oh, by the way, I meant to tell you yesterday, but... Chêne and Lacey dropped by for a visit."

"They what!?" Ciel said incredulously. "What were they thinking!? Were they seen?"

"I'm sure they weren't," Sebastian said. "But it was a bit of an emergency. Chêne missed me dearly when I didn't return," he explained, looking far too happy for Ciel's liking.

"She endangered our investigation for that?" Ciel said with his brow furrowed, extremely annoyed. Chêne should have more sense than that!

"Well, as I said, it was an emergency. She was having and extreme mood swing and needed me to comfort her," Sebastian said.

"Couldn't Lacey and the others have done that? Isn't that what she's here for?" Ciel said, frowning. Lacey was supposed to be Chêne's friend. Surely she should know what to say to her.

"Lacey and the others did attempt to comfort her, but none of them were successful," Sebastian said. "As there is a possibility of it happening again, I would like to request that you leave me a small window to visit with her." Ciel sighed, looking annoyed.

"Fine. Visit her in the morning before you're due to wake us for the day," Ciel said. "She has to rise early, too, so it should be fine. And she despises that obnoxious alarm clock you got, so I doubt she'd complain if you were the one to wake her up."

"Very good, Sir," Sebastian said, smiling.


The next morning, Sebastian sat on the bed next to his sleeping wife, who was curled up in the sheets like a kitten. He smiled wryly at the interesting expression on her sleeping face. She must be having an odd dream.

"Chêne. Chêne..." Sebastian called.

"Mmn..." Chêne groaned, furrowing her brow.

"Chêne..." Sebastian said louder, brushing away the hair that was in her face. "It's time to wake up."

"Mm... Sebastian?" Chêne said, opening her eyes. She smiled sleepily up at her husband. "Hey. You're here?"

"Yes," Sebastian said, smiling at her. "Shall I make you breakfast?"

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