That Butler, Retaliatory

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Chêne watched, horrified, as blood spurted out of the gash in Sebastian's chest. The demon's eyes were wide with shock.

"Now..." Grell said, smirking, as he watched Sebastian's blood transform into reels of film. "... Show me a dramatic... no, a moving moving picture...!" he leered at Sebastian.


Sebastian's rolled forth. The most dramatic scenes of the demon's life were about to be revealed.

["Hoh! Hoh! Hoh!" Mister Tanaka laughed softly as he smiled and sipped his tea.]

Grell was completely white with shock. It almost looked like he had been turned to stone.

["Uwaaaaahn!! Mister Sebastiaaaan!!" Finni cried as he clung to the demon butler, bawling his eyes out over his latest mishap.]

["XXX (30) spoonfuls, just as the directions say, but something seems to have gone wrooong!" Mei-Rin cried. She had a few soap bubbles stuck to her head.]

["Cooking is art!!" Bard declared grandly. His hair had been fried into an afro again.]

Grell and Chêne watched as similar mundane scenes played out before their eyes. For some reason, it didn't look like Ciel could see Sebastian's Cinematic Record this time either... weird. Chêne noticed that this time, there didn't seem to be any scenes of her or Ciel... double weird.

"N—! No—! Now—! Now just a minute! Who the hell are these idiots!?" Grell demanded incredulously, throwing a hissy fit as he turned blue with shock. "There's not even a smidge of drama here at all!"

"Koff!" Sebastian coughed as blood ran down his chin, but he was still standing despite receiving such a horrible wound. "You will only find mundane happenstances such as these over the past year..." Sebastian said, breathing heavily as he held his wound.

'He's coughing up blood now!?' Chêne thought, turning blue with shock. Was choking on your own blood the 'in' thing now!?

"I'm not interested in ordinary folks like them! There was nothing beautiful about them in the slightest!! Show me something juicier!" Grell whined, obviously pissed that he had been denied his 'entertainment.'

"My apologies... However..." Sebastian said calmly as he suddenly dashed behind Grell, shocking the Reaper with his speed. Who can just run like that when they have a gaping hole in their chest!? "... You must pay to see the rest," Sebastian said, smirking, as he held a finger to his lips and winked.

"Tch!" Grell said, clicking his tongue in frustration. Sebastian's leg shot straight at Grell as he aimed a roundhouse kick at the Reaper's face. Grell managed to dodge, but just barely. The Reaper jumped back to put some distance between him and the demon.

"Oh dear... my clothes are in tatters once more..." Sebastian said, sounding slightly disappointed as he wiped the blood off of his mouth with the back of his  hand. "I had hoped that mending the shoulders would help, but... this tailcoat is beyond redemption." Chêne gaped at him. He had just received a major wound that would have killed a human being... and he was worried about his clothes—!? She decided that she had to slap him now once this was over. Sebastian needed to get his priorities straight.

"Worrying about your outfit at a time like this is very cheeky of you. Perhaps your wounds were not deep enough?" Grell bit out, multiple vein marks throbbing on his forehead. "And you keep aiming for my beautiful face, you devil... But I do love a man who cares about the way he looks... Sebas-chan." Sebastian sighed.


Sebastian glared at Grell as he removed his tailcoat.

"I did not want to use this approach, but... I fear I have no other choice," Sebastian said darkly as he held his coat in one hand. His eyes  were glowing demonically.

'Ooh! It's on now...!' Chêne thought. 'Good. Hurry up and finish this creep so you guys can get me to the hospital!! I'm bleeding to death over here!!' Chêne thought anxiously. She felt like she was going to black out any minute now, but she didn't say anything because she didn't want to worry Ciel.

"Tee-hee... So you've finally made up your mind to fight me seriously?" Grell asked, grinning, as he got ready to fight again.


The wind blew as the Reaper and demon stared each other down.

"How about we bring this show to a close with the next attack... Sebas-chan?" Grell leered. "Let us bid the world farewell... and be united in the next, okay?" They both took a step forward. "Sebas-chan!!" Grell yelled, grinning excitedly, as they both rushed towards each other.


"!?" Grell said, startled when his Scythe suddenly stopped. Sebastian had jammed his coat into it somehow. "... Eh?" Grell tugged on the coat, but it was stuck in there good. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? It stopped moving!?" Grell yelled incredulously, turning blue with shock, as he struggled to pull it out. Grell stared sweating nervously. It wouldn't budge.


Sebastian landed smoothly back onto the roof, smirking.

"I remembered a rather useful detail Chêne had mentioned earlier about how 'chainsaws' worked. If the cutting edge of your Death Scythe is dependent upon its revolution... it occurred to me that I only needed to keep it from doing so."

"Hngh! Hngh! I'll get rid of this straight away—!!" Grell yelled, vein mark throbbing on his head as he continued his futile efforts to yank the coat free from his Scythe.

"That tailcoat is tailored from top quality wool. The frictional force of wool is significant. Once caught, removing it will be no simple matter," Sebastian told Grell. Sebastian sighed as he held a hand to his  forehead. "Haah. As it is supplied by the manor... I had wished to avoid employing my coat at all costs, but... there was no way around it. It was practically in rags anyway."

"What the hell, Sebastian—!? Even if you're a demon, don't scare us like that by letting yourself get injured like that! Just do that from the beginning!!" Chêne yelled incredulously. "We can always get a new coat, but there's only one of you—koff!" Chêne coughed again. Sebastian's eyes narrowed slightly. He had been too preoccupied before, but... he realized that the chilly night air was heavy with the scent of Chêne's blood now. Her wound had been much more severe than he had originally thought... He needed to dispose of this pesky Reaper quickly.

"Heh... the Death Scythe that can cut through everything. That is, if one can actually wield it... right?" Sebastian asked Grell, smirking deviously. He just had a splendid idea for how to end this.

"Ah..." Grell said, paling as Sebastian stalked towards him.

"... You can no longer utilize your Death Scythe, can you?" Sebastian said, smirking, as he loomed over the frightened Reaper.

"Ah... Aah...!" Grell said shakily as he cowered in fear.

"Hmph! If we simply make this a battle of fists... I do have some confidence I can win," Sebastian said darkly, grinning as he cracked his knuckles. Sebastian was pissed.

"Ah...! H—! Hey, wait...! ...D..." Grell stuttered, blue with shock and dread as he tried to inch away from the frightening and dangerous demon looming over him. "Just not the faaaace! Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" Grell screamed bloody murder as Sebastian proceeded to pay Grell back with interest, taking great care to make sure he aimed specifically at the Reaper's face.

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