That Butler, Superhuman

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{Phantomhive Manor, three years ago...}

"Somebody!" the ten-year-old Ciel cried as he ran through his family's home, checking every room, trying to find his mother, his father—anybody. "Heey! Where did everyone go!?" Ciel yelled anxiously.

He was starting to get really worried now. Something was definitely wrong. Why couldn't he find anyone? There wasn't even a single one of their servants in sight! Ciel stopped running, and bent over as he held his knees, panting from all the yelling and running he had just done. Then he heard it. There was a low growling sound coming from one of the rooms a few feet away, around the next corner of the hallway. It sounded like his dog, Sebastian. Then he heard a yelping sound. Someone was hurting his dog! Ciel ran to the room, and threw the door open, prepared to defend his pet, but there was no one in the room... the culprit must have escaped before he got there. Ciel's eyes widened in shock when he realized what was lying on the floor in front of him. It was Sebastian. The body of his faithful dog was lying there on the floor in front of him, illuminated by the light streaming in from the open door.

"Sebastian...?" Ciel said, shocked. The poor dog was lying in a pool of its own blood, and it wasn't moving. Ciel reached out and tried to pet his dog, too shocked to realize that it was probably dead already. He stared down at his hands, horrified, when he saw the blood that was now staining them from his dog... and also... he had finally noticed the golden lock of hair that was lying on the floor, just beyond the reach of the light from the hallway... his mother's hair. There, not too far from Sebastian, were the bloody bodies of his parents, just barely visible in the darkness.

"Father! Mother!" Ciel screamed in horror when it finally sunk in through his shock. "Someone help me! Everyone's going to die!" he screamed as he ran out of the room, desperate to find someone who could help. Ciel, in his innocence, did not stop to think that maybe his parents were beyond help... or that someone had wanted to kill them. Ciel kept running and running, until finally he saw Mister Tanaka, the Phantomhive Family's head butler.

"Tanaka! Help me!" Ciel cried desperately, relived to have finally found someone. The old Japanese man turned to Ciel, startled to see the boy still in the manor, when it was so dangerous.

"You must not come over here!" Tanaka yelled in alarm. "Please run away. Lord Ciel... This is too awful for y—" Tanaka's eyes widened in shock and pain, and he paled as he coughed up blood, and started to fall.

"Tana—" Ciel yelled, alarmed and concerned as his butler fell on top of him. Ciel's eyes widened in shock and terror when he saw the dark figure who had snuck up behind Tanaka, and stabbed the old man in the back, as they both fell to the ground. The next thing Ciel knew, someone was covering his eyes, and he felt a sharp pain as his vision started to fade.

"Let's take him with us. He'll fetch a good price," Ciel heard someone say sinisterly as he lost consciousness. "There's this thing called idle curiosity, and it's got deep pockets."


"Ohh... What have we here!" a well-dressed old 'gentleman' said, blushing excitedly when the curtain over the cage they were keeping him in lifted, and he stared at Ciel through the bars of the cage like he was some kind of rare animal on display in the zoo.

"Rare, right?" the same voice he had heard before he woke up in this horrible place said from somewhere off to the side.

"This is more than two persons' worth!" the old pervert exclaimed greedily as he purchased Ciel, paying double the price to ensure he didn't lose Ciel to someone else.

"Cheers, Guv," the sinister voice said as Ciel heard the sound of coins changing hands.


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