That Butler, Commendable 2

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Sebastian landed gracefully on the roof as he held Chêne and Ciel in his arms. Chêne blinked.

'Eh...? When did we get on the roof!?' Chêne thought. It felt like hey had just instantly appeared there since Sebastian was so fast. 'Though, I guess I really shouldn't be so surprised by something like this after everything else I've seen...'

"?" Lizzie said, turning around from where she had been standing on the balcony in the ballroom. Lizzie stared at the bare roof, where the escaping trio had been just a moment ago. "Just now, I thought I felt something there... was it only my imagination?' Lizzie wondered as she rubbed her eyes.


{The next day, the Study in Ciel's townhouse}

Jack the Ripper appears once more!
The victim is Annie Chapman. A prostitute is sacrificed again!!


Ciel slammed the daily paper down on the table after reading its headline.

"How could this be!? The viscount didn't go anywhere last night!" Ciel yelled, frustrated.

"If it becomes seemingly impossible for our lone suspect to have committed the murder... then it does beg the question of a possible copycat... No, or even of there having been multiple culprits from the very start," Lau said.

"In other words, we were off the mark in suspecting the viscount?" Madam Red said.

"We're back to square one..." Ciel said, sighing.

"Well, at least we managed to get one creep off the streets..." Chêne said, sweat-dropping. "We just need to readjust the search parameters. We'll catch him."

"I'll narrow down the suspects again. Sebastian, the list," Ciel said. He wasn't going to lose this time.

"Yes, Sir," Sebastian said, ever the faithful servant.


{Later that day...}

"Umm... I know this is kind of late, but I didn't want to look suspicious in  front of the others, and this is the first time we've actually been alone... but..." Chêne said hesitantly. She, Ciel, and Sebastian had been working for a while now, and Madam Red and Lau had finally gotten bored, and went off to find something more interesting to do.

"... But?" Ciel asked, giving her a look that said 'spit it out.'

"But there was also a serial killer called 'Jack the Ripper' in the Victorian era of my world. He was never caught, though, so I can't really give you any clues there, and I doubt it's the same person either. The cases are similar, but there are distinct differences," Chêne explained.

"How so?" Sebastian asked, intrigued. It was rather interesting that while they were two different and separate worlds, Chêne's more futuristic world seemed to mirror theirs very closely.

"Well... there were two types of wounds on some of the victims. Some of the cuts were smooth, and controlled, like they were probably made by a medical professional, and some were rough, like the perpetrator was just butchering the victim. The victims were also prostitutes, and they all had organs removed as well, but what the killer took wasn't limited to their wombs... The missing organ varied from victim to victim. Some victims had their wombs taken, and others had parts of their livers, and even their heart taken," Chêne explained. "I can't remember all of the victim's names, but there were five known victims that could be directly related to the M.O. of Jack the Ripper. I remembered Mary Ann Nichols, because she was thought to be the first victim in my world. And, while there is no evidence of any sexual activity with any of the victims, psychologists suppose that the penetration of the victims with a knife and leaving them on display in sexually degrading positions with the wounds exposed could indicate that the perpetrator derived sexual pleasure from the attacks. However, this view is challenged by others who dismiss such hypotheses as insupportable supposition. It's been assumed that the suspect was a man, because that's statistically more likely, but I think it could also be a woman... men aren't the only ones capable of murder."

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