That Butler, Capricious 3

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"That was dangerously close," Sebastian said, once they were all on the balcony and out of sight.

"Geez, Ciel. You're so slow, Lizzie had time to almost recognize me," Chêne said, sweat-dropping.

"It's because of these heels!" Ciel said indignantly. "Why do I always have to be the one suffe—" The sweet singing of violins could be heard as the musicians started playing the waltz.

"!" Chêne said, surprised. The room was suddenly filled with dancing couples, making it nearly impossible to move around them.

"Damn...!!" Ciel said, frustrated.

"The hall is swarming with dancers... you cannot approach the viscount now," Sebastian said. They were also trapped on the same side of the room as Lizzie now. She was sipping her lemonade and watching the dancers, finding the whole thing wonderful. She hadn't noticed them yet, thankfully.

"Normally when this happened at my high school's dances, I would just dance my way though, since most dancing styles don't require a partner where I'm from, but that would just look really strange here, and there's only three of us, so one of us will be stuck here..." Chêne said thoughtfully.

"... Very well," Sebastian said.

"Huh?" Chêne said.

"Let us employ the dance as a means of getting close to the viscount. You will be able to manage what you were taught, yes?" Sebastian said as he took Ciel's hand. Chêne and Ciel flinched in surprise.

"!?" they said.

'Did I just lose to a twelve-year-old boy in a contest of looks!?' Chêne wondered, turning slightly blue with shock.

"Are you telling me to dance here, in public!? With the likes of you!?" Ciel yelled incredulously. "Why don't you ask Chêne!?"

'That's what I'd like to know...' Chêne thought glumly.

"Although I must admit that Chêne would make an excellent dancing partner, I can only take one of you at the moment, and you are the one investigating the viscount for the queen, are you not?" Sebastian pointed out to Ciel. "Besides, have you forgotten? Since I am but your tutor, for the present... I am of a position to dance with you in public, my Lady. Not as your butler, but as your tutor, who also numbers among the upper classes. To others, it will simply appear as though I am merely chaperoning my student, the younger sister of my lovely fiancée."

"R... Right..." Ciel said, sweat-dropping, as Chêne breathed a quiet sigh of relief, and she tried not to blush too much at the 'lovely fiancée' part.

"I shall lead in order to avoid colliding with the other couples. Let us take to the floor," Sebastian told Ciel.

"Right, and I'll try to find a dance partner, so I can cross over, too," Chêne said.

"No. It will be enough for you to simply wait here," Sebastian said, flashing her a blinding shit-eating grin. Chêne blinked, confused. What was his problem? Why did Sebastian seem a little angry to her...? Ciel wished that he could play the part of the wallflower.

"Now, concentrate on the music," Sebastian instructed Ciel as they left the confused Chêne on the balcony and took to the dance floor. "If you match your steps to its rhythm, I will take care of the rest."

"To think, I'm dancing as a girl!" Ciel grumbled, vein mark throbbing on his forehead. "I will never do this again, do you understand!?"

"Heh! Yes, tonight will be the first and the last time," Sebastian agreed, grinning. "Proceed forward, just like that. We shall cut across the hall," Sebastian whispered.

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