That Butler, Shadowing 2

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"He went into this building," Sebastian said when they all came to a townhouse that was almost as big as Ciel's, but a little less classy.

"!" Chêne said, surprised. "Isn't this...?" Chêne said, realizing she vaguely remembered something about this place.

"I see. Now I'm starting to get the picture," Ciel said seriously. He knew exactly where they were, and it was all starting to make much more sense if this particular man was involved...

"What do you mean? Whose house is this?" Soma asked anxiously. He didn't like how Serious Ciel looked all of a sudden... Could Agni be in trouble?

"Now, now, your highness. Patience, patience," Lau said, smiling, as he patted Soma on the shoulder. "It will be clear once you've gone inside. And then you will be forced to face the truth, whether you like it or not," Lau said mysteriously. "You... and I both... 'kay?" They all stood there in silence, staring at Lau.

"By the 'and I,' I take it you haven't a clue either?" Ciel deadpanned. He, Sebastian, and Chêne were all wearing identical expressions of disbelief and slight scorn as they stared at the Chinaman.

"Yes~!" Lau said shamelessly, giving them all a brilliant smile. "Who lives here?"

"This residence belongs to Harold West Jeb, who runs an extensive import business. I had the distinct displeasure of meeting him once... He's an unsavory sort who loves all kinds of tittles," Ciel explained.

"Oh, that guy... Now I remember. He's that 'retail snob' from before," Chêne mumbled, chagrined. "Meeting him was such an irritatingly annoying event, that I had managed to completely block it from my memory, until just now..." she said, sweat-dropping.

"My, what a convenient memory you possess," Sebastian said, smirking slightly at her. If only he could forget half the annoyances caused by the three stooges...

"Imports, hmm? We're in the same business, then," Lau said, smiling.

"Why would Agni go to an importer's house?" Soma asked, beyond confused.

"I have no idea why Agni would want to talk to that jerk, but he mainly imports spice and tea leaves from India, and... runs 'Harold Trading,' a general store... and the 'Harold West,' a Hindustani coffeehouse," Chêne said.

"Whilst investigating Miss Mina, I happened across Mister West's name in some of the documents I was reviewing," Sebastian said. "Per those papers, Bengal is indeed the main source of his wares... and he has suffered collateral damage from the hanging incidents... but..."

"But...?" Chêne asked curiously. Sebastian smirked.

"... It seems the company representative, Mister West himself, just happened to be away at the time of the incidents and escaped being hung," Sebastian said, putting emphasis on how 'lucky' West had been.

"Heh! There's nothing more suspicious than such extraordinarily good luck in a case like this. If West were behind the incidents, it would be all too easy to pretend to be suddenly called away on business, and arrange to use his workers as sacrificial lambs in order to appear more innocent to the Yard," Chêne said cynically, frowning in disapproval of such low tactics.

"Indeed," Sebastian agreed.

""There's nothing for it... Let's go take a look," Ciel said. If West were involved in the hanging incidents, then this would be killing two birds with one stone.

"As you wish, Sir," Sebastian replied dutifully.

"It's been a while since I've had to hop a fence~!" Chêne said, grinning impishly as she as she backed up a bit, and took off, getting a running start, before jumping on top of the 9ft tall brick wall. "Phew~! I wasn't sure I'd make it for a moment there, but this is about the same height as the cemetery I used to sneak into with Lacey," Chêne said, sighing in relief. Ciel sweat-dropped. Chêne was usually such a goody two-shoes, that he still found it odd how she seemed to have no compunction against sneaking into places where she didn't belong... and why were her and Lacey sneaking into a cemetery, of all places!? Ciel decided he'd rather not know, since Lacey was involved... it was bound to be something abnormal.

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