That Butler, Departure

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Chêne's POV

Chêne knew she could only push the demon so far, and she most definitely did not have a death wish, but Ciel... She looked at the boy that was still sleeping in Sebastian's arms. The wound on his chest had somehow been healed when he made the contract with Sebastian, but his other wounds, the whip welts and small cuts, looked like they might be infected and needed attention soon.

Sebastian's POV

"... Then..." Chêne spoke hesitantly, "Can we please stop so I can treat his wounds? I think they might be infected."

Though he did not show it, Sebastian was slightly surprised. He had not really expected her to continue to talk back to him, let alone say 'please' to a demon like him. Humans were rather interesting. Sebastian smirked at her again, his eyes glittering in amusement.

"Very well," he conceded, "Although he has not given me any order to do so, I suppose it simply would not do to have my master die so early on in the contract."

The girl sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Alright, put him down there—Please?" Chêne said. She sat down on the dirt floor of the woods and pulled out a fluffy, pink blanket that had a princess crown pattern on it and laid it out on the ground for him to set Ciel down on. He stared at the blanket. Although it was not unusual for young girls to favor this color, he hadn't expected it from Chêne. She seemed to notice his stare as she began pulling medical supplies out of a strange white box made of a shiny white material he had never encountered before. It had a red cross on it and an inscription that read FIRST + AID.

"... What? Oh, it's the blanket, isn't it?" Chêne said, laughing and rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah, that's my little sister's. She's always stashing stuff in my bag just to annoy me, but I guess it came in handy this time."

Sebastian laid his new master on the blanket. Chêne removed Ciel's tunic, but she turned an interesting shade of red when she realized he had nothing  else on underneath it. She instantly draped the tunic over Ciel's lower body and went back to work. Chêne opened a bottle of clear liquid labeled Rubbing Alcohol and wet one of the clean cloths in the kit with it.

"This is going to sting," she told Ciel.

Sebastian did not understand why she bothered since the boy was still unconscious. She started wiping Ciel's wounds clean, and he twitched at the burning sensation from the alcohol, but he remained unconscious. Once she had removed all the dirt from his wounds, Chêne began draining the puss from his wounds. After removing as much as she could, Chêne poured another liquid that was in a brown bottle called Hydrogen Peroxide on  Ciel's wounds. The liquid fizzed when it came in contact with his wounds, and Ciel twitched again but did not wake. She then stitched up some of the more severe wounds and applied some kind of healing salve.  Finally, Chêne began bandaging Ciel's wounds.

"Are you a healer or a doctor, girl? You seem quite knowledgeable in medicine," Sebastian observed. Chêne frowned at him.

"We've been over this already, Sebastian," Chêne said tartly. "My name is Chêne, not girl. Use it." She crossed her arms in irritation. "And no, I'm not a doctor. I just carry this thing around with me because I'm a tomboy, so I'm always getting scraped up doing something I shouldn't," she told him.

She flopped backwards onto the ground out of exhaustion, but she immediately jerked back up into a sitting position.

"Oooow!" she yelped. Sebastian smirked at her. Falling on her wounded back like that must have hurt quite a bit.

"Forget something?" he teased her. "Aren't you going to treat your own wounds?" Chêne frowned.

"I'd love to, but I can't," she said, sighing heavily.

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