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song: mansions by matt champion



She was old, with ugly dry gray hair that was perfectly curled atop her head. She wore massive glasses that made her eyes look huge, and it didn't help that she already looked like a bug.

Kai, who sat a distance away on a couch, watched his therapist speak to his parents like he wasn't literally in the room over from them and could hear everything they were saying. She kept glancing over at him before asking his parents another question, and every time her bug eyes landed on him, he wanted to laugh.

Joshua sighs, and glances at his wife. "He got upset at dinner the other night, and—" He sighs again, quieting down before he spoke again. "He started throwing plates and glass at us—" Joshua shook his head disappointedly, glancing at Diana who had an assortment of cuts on her arms and some on her face. "He said he wanted to kill us."

Kai, listening in from a distance away, let out a scoff, which earned a concerned glance from his parents and the therapist. He lazily sunk deeper into the couch and waited for this appointment to be over.

They'd come all the way over to Wayward to meet with this therapist, the fourth one Kai's met this year because every other one seems to not know what do with him. She was no different than the others, except that her office smelt like mothballs and old furniture. Kai plucked the feathers out of the pillow beside him, bored.

"And what about his friends? Is he close with them?" She asks.

"He's not really a people person." Diana says.

Kai leans on the arm rest of the couch, glancing out the window beside it at the dark sky. The therapist writes a few things down before asking his parents another question. He wondered why she couldn't just ask these things to him, but he also didn't really care.

"Is he medicated?" She asks.

"He's on a few things right now." Joshua begins. "He's on Zoloft and Risperidone right now. He was on Olanzapine for a little bit but it made him sleep walk."

Kai glances back into the other room, then back to the window. He wondered what would happen if he just upped and left. It would certainly be funny to send them all into a panic when they realizes he disappeared. He smiled to himself as he leaned on the arm chair and stared out the window.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now