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song: 2am by sir sly

DAISY STAYED ON THE ROOFTOP. She stayed on the rooftop until she knew that something was different, that something was wrong. She would've bled out, she was supposed to. She was supposed to be dead right now. She laid there for hours, waiting to die. But she didn't.

After the bright light, everyone was gone. Everything was still.

She aimlessly wandered the streets for days, waiting for any sign of life. But there was nothing. There was not a soul anywhere, and she wondered if she really did die, and this was where she ended up.

It felt real, everything did. She felt pain, she could taste things, read things, touch things. But no one was here, everything was as it was left. The school was still fully decorated for the Valentine's dance, faint music still played from the gym, lights still slowly danced around the walls.

The worst feeling was walking into her house, waiting for her mom to come around from the kitchen and greet her, but instead she was met with the overwhelming silence that hugged the entire town.

She had to figure out how to give herself stitches. She couldn't leave the wound like it was, it would never heal. The hospital was unexpectedly scary when it was completely empty, she kept waiting for someone to pop out and tell her it was just some huge town-wide prank. She really, really wanted that to be the truth.

She hadn't even had stitches before, let alone given them to herself. She sobbed all the way through it, the mixture of a fresh stab wound and repeatedly penetrating your skin with a needle did not make for an easy experience.

She had to be dead. She had to be. It was the only reasonable explanation to this situation she had found herself in.

She never thought the afterlife would be this lonely.

Every morning she woke up and waited to be some place better. Or for things to be back to normal. Or for someone, anyone to come find her, wherever she was.

She slept in her room every night, even though it felt like every house in the world was empty and at her leisure. It brought her a bit of comfort, until it didn't.

After the first year, she set Wayward on fire, and left.

When the only heart beating in this world belonged to her, it wasn't something she could take. She was stuck in a repeating loop of madness and agony. Daisy felt as if the world used to kiss up against her skin and grow with her, and hold her. That was bit the case anymore. It was as if the world had shrunken away to leave a cold void around her skin, as if he had become detached from reality itself— whatever her reality is now.

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