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song: flawless by the neighbourhood

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song: flawless by the neighbourhood

DAISY FOCUSED TOO HARD on trying to tame her feet from tapping onto the tile floors of the classroom, that she couldn't even register what the girl beside her was talking to her about.

Her heart beat in sync with her foot, and the clock that ticked above the doorway. She questioned whether or not everyone else could hear her, hear her and know what she did.

She inhaled deeply, almost choking on the forced intake of breath. That was too loud. She thought. They had to know. They had to know what she did— how could they not?

She squeezed her nails into her palm in an attempt to stifle her fidgeting as she glanced up at the clock. It was almost eight o'clock, Kai should be here by now.

As if on queue, he strode into the classroom, sunglasses and headphones on, completely calm and collected.

At the sight of him, Daisy felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders as she remembered his words. He had everything covered. She just had to trust him.

"—But I don't even think he likes me... like, the things he says are so—" The blonde girl besides Daisy carries on, Daisy didn't even know her name, but she'd been going on and on about this boy since Daisy sat down.

Kai stopped in front of the desk, he took off his headphones and looked at the girl. "You're in my seat." He spoke in a monotone voice.

Daisy bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to laugh. The girl scoffed, immediately standing up and getting out of Kai's seat. As he sat down, Daisy began to feel more relaxed.

He didn't seem bothered at all, he seemed completely fine. He glanced at her as he took his sunglasses off and adjusted into his seat. "You okay?" He says.

She shrugged quickly. "I don't know."

Kai glanced around the classroom at all of his peers that carried on with their conversations as they waited for the morning bell to ring. "You'll be paranoid at first." He says. "You just have to control your emotions."

The bell rang with a piercing scream, and the rest of the students scrambled to their seats as Mr. Groff stood from his desk and began the lesson with a sigh.

She leaned back in her seat, seeing Kai out of the corner of her eye. Daisy was completely confused by his lack of nerves, but she quickly remembered this was not his first time. He'd hidden many emotions from her for a while, so to him this was completely normal.

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