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hi !
just here to make sure you've all read chapter seventy seven before you read this one. i had another publishing issue so a lot of ppl never for the notification for that one. just make sure ur caught up before reading on so ur not confused!

song: the answer (trentemøller remix) by unkle

IT WAS THE SILENCE THAT BROUGHT BACK THE MEMORIES. Memories that Daisy had thought she'd long buried away, all ripped from the depths of her brain with the addition of new, worse explanations.

Although she was thankful that those pained recollections have become more of a blur, the permanence they left on her skin was a constant reminder of what they'd done to her.

She ran her thumb over palms, examining what was left of the scar Kai couldn't fully heal away. She tried not to think about what caused each individual wound, but it was hard when you remembered who did it, what they used- did they say anything first? Did they look regretful, or were they doing this to satisfy some inhuman need?

She remembered that you could tell. You could tell when one of the Algeans walked into the church, whether they were there as part of their practice- or if they were there simply just to harm. Unfortunately, they both hurt just the same.

"What's wrong?" Kai says. Daisy snaps her head up, not realizing Kai had returned. He stood a few feet away, a concerned, worried look on his face.

"Nothing." Daisy says, putting her hands back down to her side.

Kai looked at her suspiciously, trying to gage what she was upset about. Not whether or not she was or wasn't- because that was clear. "What'd she say?" He asks, after glancing at the Mausoleum.

Daisy shook her head. "I'm fine, seriously." She spoke. "Olivia's in there with her. I heard a few sobs but other than that I'm not sure what's going on. I've really gotten used to tuning Parkers out."

Kai scoffed. Although he didn't believe that she was fine- he figured she'd let something slip eventually. "Funny." He says sarcastically. "Hopefully this'll be quick." He says, rolling his eyes and holding up the bandage he'd retrieved, before heading towards the mausoleum doors.

Daisy lingered outside, not sure she wanted to go in there and see her again. See the woman who'd knowingly sent an entire coven of blood thirsty witches to the same prison world her so called friend was also in.

If she could send people there, couldn't she had taken people out- it's all the same magic, right? She had the tools. Why didn't she save her?

Daisy's mind was flooding with thousands of questions and accusations- most of which will go unanswered when Kai wins the merge and kills Josette. Maybe that was for the best, as she couldn't stand to hate the girl anymore than she did right now.

As Daisy began to make her way inside after Kai- she stopped mid-step as she heard a twig snap behind her. Quickly spinning around, her eyes darted through the heavily wooded forest- searching for a figure that would inevitably come with the sound.

And as soon as she began to consider that it might've just been an animal, she saw someone come out from behind a tree.

That overwhelming feeling of panic at the sight of a gun being pointed in your direction filled Daisy's body, as she stared straight into the barrel.

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