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song: voices carry by 'til tuesday

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song: voices carry by 'til tuesday

"THAT ONE." Jen says, pointing to one of the two t-shirts in Daisy's hands. "And wear your black frill jacket over it."

"K." Daisy says, putting the other shirt away and putting her Rocky Horror Picture Show shirt on over her bra.

"Are you nervous?" Jen asks, sitting on Daisy's bed.

Daisy walked over to her dresser to put her jewelry on. "There's nothing to be nervous about." Daisy inhales sharply.

"What if he tries to kiss you?" Jen widens her eyes.

Daisy spins around and looks at her with raised eyebrows. "Jen." She says sternly. "Tommy and I are just friends. We have been since we were little." She turns back to her dresser.

"Fine." Jen rolls her eyes, plopping back on Daisy's bed and letting out a sigh.

Daisy puts her jacket on, although it was barely September, the temperature was quickly dropping into fall weather. "Okay I'm ready." Daisy nods towards Jen.

Jen rolls off the bed and the two stride out of Daisy's room, whispering amongst each other as George and Susan converse near the front door.

Susan looks up at them and smiles widely. "Oh, my girls." She says happily. "Your last first high school football game." She frowns.

Susan was very sentimental about high school, she made it out to seem like the 'best time of your life' when it was actually quite the opposite. Daisy was just glad she wasn't peaking in high school, because those who do end up doing nothing with their lives, like Susan. "Let me get my camera, hold on." Susan says.

"Oh my god." Daisy mutters and Jen laughs quietly.

"Daisy you don't seem like the football type." George nods.

"She isn't." Jen says, shaking her head. "But Tommy Joseph wants her to go so she's going."

"Jen." Daisy says through gritted teeth. "Shut up."

"Tommy Joseph?" Susan says, striding back toward the front hall with her camera. "I didn't know you two were a thing? Why don't you talk to me anymore?" Susan frowns.

"Oh my God, we're not a thing." Daisy swallows. Jen snorts and Daisy punches her arm.

"Smile!" Susan says, holding up the camera and snapping a picture of the two on the stairs. "Jen, I'll make your mom a copy when I get it developed."

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