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song: the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen

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song: the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen

HIS BLOOD HIT HER FIRST, A WARM WELCOME INTO THE LIFE SHE HAD JUST CHOSEN. It spurted from his throat, covering her face, her clothes. Daisy stumbled back a bit as she watched Tommy fall down onto the ground under his feet. Her eyes wide, she slowly lifted them up from Tommy and too Kai, too petrified to move from the position she stayed frozen in.

Kai breathed heavily, a smile twitching at his lips as he watched the last glimpse of life fall from Tommy's eyes. He didn't expect it to happen this fast, but he couldn't say he wasn't glad it did. His eyes flicked up from Tommy to see a terrified Daisy standing over his body.

Kai steppes towards her hesitantly, not wanting to startle her by any sudden movement. Even in the pitch black woods, he could see the blood that drenched her body. She shook her head quickly, "I—" She struggled for words. "I don't—"

"It's okay." Kai nodded cautiously, continuing to walk towards her. Her body trembled as she brought the knife back into her line of sight, examining it with frantic eyes. "It's okay." He whispered, slowly reaching his hand out and taking the knife from her. "You did good." He nodded, unsure what to say.

Daisy brought a hand up to her throat, itching at it as she felt the inability to breathe creep up on her body. She quickly stumbled backwards and turned around, coiling over and vomiting onto the dead leaves of the woods.

Kai watched contently, he expected this reaction for her first time, but he also knew she had to get past this if they were to be together. He'd be patient for now.

Daisy wiped her mouth, only smearing more blood onto her face, as she turned back to face Kai again. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped when they both turned their head to the road as the sound of a car zoomed past.

"Shit. Shit." Daisy spoke frantically, starting to pace.

Kai grabbed onto her shoulders, stopping her from freaking herself out even more. "We're fine." He raises his eyebrows, getting in her face and making sure she really heard him. Kai could feel Daisy shake under his touch, her wide eyes in contrast to his calm composure. "Come on." He nodded back to where they left the car, starting to walk towards it.

"But—" Daisy says, motioning towards Tommy's lifeless body that lay still under their feet.

Kai clenched his jaw, wondering how many times he was going to have to tell her that he had everything figured out. If she trusted him, like she said, then she wouldn't be freaking out so bad. "Leave it." Kai says, grabbing her hand and leading her back to the car.

The car. The same car that Kai flicked a hand and disappeared on sight. Daisy squeezed her eyes shut, trying to think if she really saw that happen only five minutes ago. "How did you... the car— you froze him." Daisy stumbled on her words. As they got to the edge of the woods, Kai looked around for any passing cars before waving a hand— the car reappearing. "What the fuck?!" Daisy scoffs nervously, in complete disbelief.

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