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song: you get me so high by the neighbourhood

HER HANDS KEPT FINDING HER FACE. Grazing her soft, now flawless skin that she had grown so unfamiliar to. She didn't know if she was relieved to have the scars gone or not.

The scars that always earned her lingering stares and confused looks, scars that she never wanted to explain but always wanted to remember. They were a reminder of what she'd survived, and now that they were gone- apart of her was worried that in the depth of her psychosis she had made that all up. Were they ever really there? Or was the pain she endured just a manifestation of something else, something deeper?

"Can I get you something to drink?" The flight attendant asked.

Daisy quickly turned to face the woman who stood in the aisle, awaiting her response with raised eyebrows. She let her fingers fall from her face as she took a quick breath. "Can I just get a vodka tonic?" Daisy asks.

"May I see your ID?" The woman responds.

Daisy didn't expect the question, though maybe she should've- given the fact that she was presented as an eighteen year old girl. On top of that, she doesn't have an ID at all. Daisy took a breath, aggravated that she wouldn't get the relief of alcohol anytime soon. "I'll just have a water, then." She says.

The flight attendant smiles, knowingly. Then glances at Kai, who was asleep in the window seat besides Daisy. "Will he want anything?" She asks.

Daisy glances at him and back to the woman. "Water's fine." She nods slightly.

Sweat lined his skin, though if you looked close enough you could see a slight shiver in his body. And although he was fast asleep, he looked like he hadn't slept in years. He told her everything was fine, but the sinking feeling in her stomach said otherwise.

After the flight attendant handed them both their drinks, and rolled the cart further down the aisle, Daisy gently pushed against Kai's arm in an attempt to wake him up. She wanted to let him sleep, but he instructed her to wake him up if he goes to still. It was an alarming proposition- earning the question of what would she do if he really just died in the middle of this plane ride? However, she knew if that were the case- she would feel it herself. He was still here, she knew that.

"Hi, sorry." She whispered as his eyes slowly blinked open.

Kai, who looked as if every movement cause him an immense amount of pain, tried to stretch against the uncomfortable upright position of the airplane seat. Daisy handed him the water the flight attendant had just given her. "Here." She says.

Kai took a breath before taking a drink. He then sat it down, leaning his head back in his seat. Daisy was too focused on his face to notice he had grabbed onto her hand.

She glanced at it and then back to him, as he had already closed his eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep. She hated how unfamiliar the act felt. And she wondered if he even realized he'd done it. Maybe it was his way of saying thank you, or his way of apologizing for how he'd treated her the past few weeks. Either way she accepted it.

Kai leaned against her, and she could feel his slowed, ragged breathing against her side as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder for support. She rang the doorbell, hoping and praying that she was here. She didn't think she could get him back down the flight of stairs she'd just dragged him up without dropping him.

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