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song: you know what i mean by cults

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song: you know what i mean by cults

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Kai says happily as Daisy opens the front door. "Eve." He added. Daisy snorted, eyeing his ugly Christmas sweater. He had trays of food in his hand, and a few wrapped presents.

"Oh, Kai." Susan says, stepping past Daisy to give Kai a hand, taking a few things out of his arms. "You didn't have to do all this."

"It's okay." He says, stepping inside and wiping his snowy shoes off on the welcoming mat. "I wanted to." He smiles faintly with a shrug. He turns to Daisy, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas." Daisy says, her face turning warm at his kiss.

"This smells great." Susan says, walking into the kitchen with Kai's food.

The Hendrix house was decorated head to toe in Christmas decorations, something Kai had never really experienced. His family got a tree, but that was about it. There were garlands lining the staircases, and hanging on every doorframe. Candles were lit, as they sat in front of the windows, and the smell of newly baked cookies came from the kitchen.

"Come on in." Daisy urges Kai to follow her to where the rest of her family gathered. She was nervous, she'd been nervous all day. Kai had met everyone before, obviously, but not as her boyfriend.

"Malachai." George nods with his hand out to shake, stopping Kai in his tracks. Daisy eyes George confusedly.

George was still in uniform as he's only gotten off work half an hour ago. It was an intimidating sight. "Officer Arguello." Kai shakes his hand.

George suddenly bursts into a happy laugh, pulling Kai into a big hug. "I'm just messing with you, kid." He pats Kai's back. Daisy laughs awkwardly, watching Kai struggle for breath as George's hug tightens. "I hope you're a Vikings fan." George says, walking along with Kai into the kitchen.

Daisy takes the gifts out of Kai's hands setting them on the counter as he pretends to care about football with George. Daisy fidgets with her hands, hoping Kai was saying all the right things. She wanted her family to like him.

"Relax." Allison says, coming out of nowhere and joining Daisy by her side.

Daisy huffs. "I am relaxed."

Allison scoffs, then examines her little sister. "I did good on your makeup." She compliments herself.

"And you're so humble, too." Daisy jokes.

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