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song: closer than this by kaye

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song: closer than this by kaye

DAISY HUFFED DOWN THE STAIRS, her boots clunking against each wooden step as she prepared for the freezing cold air she was about to embrace as she approached the front door. She swung her coat over her before grabbing her bag.

"Honey," Her mom said from around the corner. Daisy peaked around to see her mom hanging the phone back up on the landline, a distraught look on her face.

"What?" Daisy says, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"You haven't heard from Tommy, have you?" Susan asked. 

Daisy's breath hitched, and her body surged for a proper response while her brain failed to comprehend the question. "Uh," she thinks. She felt herself snap out of it, and took a deep breath before speaking again, trying to feel that confidence she usually felt when lying to her mom. "I haven't talked to him since we broke up. Why?" She says, trying to keep it short and simple.

Susan pierced her lips together and hesitated before speaking. "His mother just called and asked, apparently they haven't heard or seen him since Halloween."

Daisy tried to force a concerned look. "Like he hasn't been home?"

"They thought at first he was just with Mark, but after a day passed they called Mark's parents and he left his house that night." She inhaled deeply, a frown appearing on her lips.

Daisy swallowed. "I mean, he hasn't been at school the past two days but I just assumed he was sick or something."

Susan frowned again. "Let me know if you hear from him. I'm sure he's fine." She nodded, trying to comfort Daisy who appeared upset.

"Yeah." Daisy said softly, Susan gave her a reassuring nod before walking back into the kitchen. Daisy glanced out the window to the driveway, where Kai's car sat to pick her up. "Bye." She spoke, swinging the door open and quickly walking out to his car.

She sent a quick wave to Josette, who sat in the front seat, stealing a glance at Kai who eyed her as she walked to the back. She sat inside, it wasn't warmed up yet, but it was better than the blistering cold of the outside.

"Good morning." Josette says, turning around in her seat and smiling at her friend.

Daisy situated herself in the back, buckling her seatbelt and returning the smile. "Thanks for giving me a ride." She nods.

"It's no problem at all. We're just next door." Josette says, turning back around in her seat. Daisy looks up at the mirror, meeting eyes with Kai who glanced at her before putting the car in reverse and backing out the driveway. "Right, Kai?" Josette nods at her brother.

He rolled his eyes. "Sure."

As the final minutes of the school day rolled around, Daisy found herself in the girl's locker room, taking off the old red sweatshirt they provided for gym class, and shoving it back into her locker.

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