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song: rip to my youth by the neighbourhood

DAISY WATCHES AS THE PARAMEDICS pulled the gurneys from the ambulances. The red and blue flashing lights still circling around and reflecting off the walls of the hospital.

She hunkered down a bit in the front seat of the car, not sure why she was trying to avoid being seen, as no one was going to question why she was sitting in the parking lot. Maybe she felt the need because she knew what was going to happen next, which would most definitely raise quite a bit of suspicion.

It was odd, seeing the blood covered gurneys rushed inside one after another. She was too far away to really see the details- but knowing that one of the people being rushed inside was Kai, made her unnecessarily anxious.

When everyone was inside the hospital, she turned the car back on. She glanced around, making sure there weren't any on lookers as she drove out of the parking lot and towards the paramedics entrance where everyone just went.

The lights of the ambulance had been turned off, although the feeling of emergency still lingered. Daisy leaned over to the passenger seat, where blood still stained the leather seats. She opens the glove box, pushing the insurance papers around until she located a napkin that was probably leftover from a drive-thru trip.

The thin paper didn't do much to soak up the blood on her hands, but it got that sticky feeling to go away. Next she wiped down the steering wheel, and the radio- before she clicked a bunch of buttons until music started.

She hadn't had a lot of time to adjust to the changes that twenty two years bring. She'd noticed the cars, the business signs, the clothes- but the music was by far the worst difference of all.

Every station was playing the same three songs- all equally as annoying as the next. She kept clicking the skip button, awaiting for something, anything better than whatever Call Me Maybe was.

Eventually, as the music drowned out and static replaced it- she found herself sitting in the car listening to white noise instead.

She picked up the napkin again, although she probably wouldn't even consider it a napkin- it was more like a thin piece of cheap toilet paper. She kept wiping her hands over and over, as she was too aware of the dry blood.

She couldn't do much without soap and water, and instead she was just wiping them raw, until the sticky feeling was replaced with pain.

Dropping the napkin on her lap, she leans back in the seat, letting out a frustrated sigh. She flexed her fingers over the steering wheel, trying to stretch out her sore body as much as she could.

She craved sleep, or a bed, or just a bit of time to rest. Ever since they'd been here, it's been constant going. She knew they didn't have any time to waste- but she wished they did. She never thought she'd miss wasting time after twenty two years of doing only that.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the paramedics door swing open. She looks up, startled at first, but she relaxed when she saw Kai walk out, still covered in blood, with a passed-out Josette in his arms.

Daisy quickly got out of the drivers seat, opening the back doors for him as he approaches the car. "That was fast." Daisy says, helping him lift the body into the back.

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