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DAISY WALKED INTO LUNCH LATE. Carrying her tray to the outdoor sitting area, she sat down beside Jen and Josette who were already half way done with their meals.

"Where have you been?" Jen asks. Daisy shakes her head, a signal to just not sorry about it. Jen raises her eyebrows knowingly at Josette. "Have you guys taken the College Algebra test yet? I had it first hour and would not be surprised if I missed every question."

Daisy subconsciously tuned Jen out as she continued the conversation with Josette. Instead, Daisy's eyes trailed off to the black coat that sat at his usual spot at the empty table in the corner. His head in a different book everyday, listening to something on his walkman.

While Daisy usually tried her best to pay no mind to Kai, all she wanted to do was strangle him at the moment. Hate and enmity welled up in her heart, fury itself burning her up.

Her attention was redirected to Tommy, who came up behind her and planted a quick kiss on the top of her head before sitting across from her besides Jen.

Tommy eyed Daisy for a second before speaking. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks.

Jen and Josette's conversation fades, and they turn to Daisy to hear her answer. "What? Yeah why?" Daisy asks confusedly.

"You went to the nurses office earlier so—" Tommy stops talking, then sniffles. "Is that weed?"

Daisy stiffens a bit. "I don't smell anything." She lies.

Tommy looks at Daisy concernedly. "Were you smoking?"

She clenches her jaw, arguing with herself on whether or not she should start lying to him so early on in the relationship. "Just a little bit." Daisy shrugs.

Tommy narrowed her eyebrows at Daisy, then turns to look at Jen and Josette to see if they were just as concerned as him. He focuses his gaze back on Daisy. "You shouldn't do that." He says cautiously. 

Josette starts awkwardly playing with her food. Daisy inhales. "I'm fine." She says, then tries to change the topic. "Jen you were saying about the College Algebra—"

"I know," Tommy begins, returning back to the previous conversation. "It's just, a little trashy." He shrugs.

He was right, weed and drugs were trashy. But they were fun— and everyone did them. Daisy was still a teenager, she didn't care for consequences, short term or long term. They were invisible to her at the moment. "Okay?" Daisy says, shaking her head. "Sorry." She says annoyedly.

Tommy takes a deep breath. "I've gotta go to the trainers to ice my knee before the game tonight. I'll see you." He nods, clearly uncomfortable, before getting back up from the table and leaving.

Jen and Josette exchange awkward glances, and Daisy slumps in her seat, feeling guilty. She didn't like feeling guilty— she'd trained her brain into completely shutting out that emotion when it came from someone like her mother. Leading her to do something Susan would dislike out of pure spite. But hearing it from Tommy was different, like she was balancing on a thin line of— how many shitty things can she do before he breaks up with her?

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