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song: love my way by the psychedelic flurs

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song: love my way by the psychedelic flurs


Daisy shouts, pushing herself up off her bed to face whoever stood in the doorway of her bedroom.

Her mother's face was as stone cold as ever. "Your room's a disaster." She says, looking around disappointedly. Daisy waited for her mom to speak again. "I got you an outfit for your first day tomorrow." Susan says, holding up one of the many shopping bags in her hands.

Oh. Daisy thought. Unexpected kindness from a mother who usually spent her time condemning her.

Susan plopped the bag on Daisy's bed as she made her way around the room, beginning to pick up the clothes on the ground and throwing them towards Daisy to put away. "I thought maybe you'd want to look nice for once, considering it'll be your last first day of high school."

And she blew it.

Daisy pulled the magenta blazer out first, then the bright blue skirt next. She really tried to hide the disgusted look on her face. She really did.

"You don't like it?" Susan cocks an eyebrow.

Daisy put it back in the bag. "It's nice, mom." She sighs, getting herself off her bed and putting the bag next to her closet to put away later.

Susan shakes her head frustratedly. "I always try and do nice things for you and you continue to treat me like I'm some sort of— lower being." Susan went off on a tangent that Daisy immediately began to drown out, as something out the window caught her eye.

Daisy walks toward the window and peers out, noticing a moving truck at the house next door, her mother still speaking to her. A moving truck was parked in the white house that stood across from her window.

A huge family began to bring their boxed furniture into the house. There were at least seven kids— from what she could see. "Jesus." Daisy mumbled.

"Are you even listening to me?" Susan says.

"Who are they?" Daisy gestures out the window.

Susan sighs and walks over to the window to observe with her daughter. "The Parkers." She begins. "Julia told me their old house burnt down to the ground a few weeks ago."

"You're such a gossip, mom." Daisy shakes her head, watching as the younger kids played in their front lawn.

"It's not gossip." Susan retracts. "They'll be going to your school."

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