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song: the ghost in you by the psychedelic furs

"I COULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW." Daisy spoke, struggling to stay steady as she walked down the road, Kai following behind.

"And this is my fault... how?" Kai asks, narrowing his eyes at the girl who was clearly still disoriented.

Daisy spun around, looking at him like he was an idiot. "You made brownies full of— whatever that was— knowing I love brownies— especially the ones not full of drugs— and then watched me eat way more than someone should." She flung her arms around annoyedly as she spoke.

Kai raised his eyebrows and thought for a few seconds, eyes narrowed in contemplation. "Okay, yes I can see how that was my fault." He nodded. Daisy groaned and spun back around to continue walking to wherever she was going. "But those brownies were for me because I thought you were asleep. And I was already too out of it to even notice you were eating them." He took a breath, but continued when Daisy didn't say anything in response. "It's not like I would purposefully waste all of my Aspectus on you."

She turned back around to face him, an annoyed look on her face. "Aspectus?" She questioned.

He shrugged a bit. "Magically induced mushr—"

Daisy charged towards him, her hands out like she was about to strangle his neck. "You let me eat magic drugs?!" She yelled.

Kai put his arms up in defense and backed up. "I didn't let you do anything!" He responded.

Daisy clenched her fists, an attempt to stifle the urge to kill him. While that was a reasonable response, it wasn't worth the clean-up that would follow. She also couldn't make a lot of sudden movements, as nausea still lingered.

She let her anger simmer a bit, and as she did, she got a closer look at her surroundings. To her left, a large museum sat across a lawn, and to her right, what looked like a college campus.

Taking a deep breath first, she spoke. "Where even are we?" She asks.

Kai nodded and smiled cheekily, accepting that the blip of sudden anger was over and they were back to normal conversation. "Kansas City." He says.

Daisy looks at him with a bored expression. "Out of all the places to be we're in Kansas?" She spoke the name like it was the last thing she wanted to say.

He shook his head. "Missouri."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You just said—"

"There's a Kansas City in Missouri." Kai responds like a know it all, walking over to the bus stop that sat on the sidewalk.

"I hate the Midwest." Daisy mumbles, before following Kai. "What are you doing?" She questions as he examines the large map of the city attached to the bus stop.

"Looking for my cousin's house." He responds.

Daisy glances at the map and back to him. "For another grimoire?" She narrowed her eyebrows, Kai nodded. "Kai you've collected like fifty and they all say the same shit." She sighs. "Marzia said that a Bennett witch is the only way out. That's it. There's nothing else to discover. We're stuck."

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now